Analysis Seminar

Friday, January 15, 2016 3:30 pm - 3:30 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Jimmy He, Pure Math Department, University of Waterloo 

“Smoothness of convolution products of orbital measures on rank one compact symmetric spaces”

A result of Gupta and Hare established a dichotomy for the convolution product of orbital measures on compact Lie groups. They showed that the convolution product of these measures were either singular or in L2. A natural extension of this question is to symmetric spaces, where it was found that in SU(2)/SO(2), this dichotomy failed to hold.

In this talk, I will discuss the situation for all rank one compact symmetric spaces, where we have found characterizations of exactly when these convolution products are absolutely continuous or in L2. We give a condition in terms of the dimensions of the corresponding double cosets that the orbital measures are supported on.

MC 5417