Analysis Seminar

Thursday, November 10, 2016 2:30 pm - 2:30 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

**Please note change of start time**

Christopher Schafhauser, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo

“Approximations of crossed products and K-theoretic dynamics”

A C*-algebra is MF (matricial field) if it can be approximately embedded into matrix algebras. A question of Blackadar and Kirchberg asks if every C*-algebra with a faithful trace is MF. In the case of crossed product C*-algebras, it is also of interest to find dynamical characterizations of the MF property. I will survey some known results about this question and some recent results on crossed products by free groups. In particular, for large classes of nuclear C*-algebras, the MF property of the crossed product can be detected through the K-theory of the dynamical system. This is based on joint work with Tim Rainone.

MC 5417