Spiro Karigiannis, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo
"Generalized superminimal surfaces and the Weierstrass representation"
A superminimal surface in 4 dimensional Euclidean space is a special type of minimal surface, related to complex geometry. The Weierstrass representation of a minimal surfaces in n-dimensional Euclidean space is a way of describing the minimal surface using holomorphic data. I will discuss some old work from 2011 with my former USRA Li Chen, which I will be finally writing up this fall, where we generalize the notion of superminimal to higher codimension by characterizing (and then generalizing) the superminimal condition in terms of the Weierstrass representation and complex analysis.
This seminar will be held jointly online and in person.
meeting: https://uwaterloo.zoom.us/j/95873618652?pwd=OENSeFdERzUzV2NkM3hjQ0F1MzFYUT09
Meeting ID: 958 7361 8652
Passcode: 577854 - Room: MC 5403