Horospherical MMP Seminar

Thursday, October 6, 2022 1:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Sean Monahan, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo

“Combinatorics of horospherical varieties”

In this talk we finish our brief introduction of horospherical varieties by examining their
combinatorial interpretation. In the case of toric varieties, we have a combinatorial interpretation
using fans; in the case of horospherical varieties, we use so-called “coloured fans” which
account for the colours that we discussed in the last talk.
This seminar will be held jointly online and in person:

MC 5417 

Zoom information:
Meeting ID: 991 8438 2567; Passcode: 502765;

Link: https://uwaterloo.zoom.us/j/99184382567?pwd=aEEzM2tGV3BtbDdLdE40VzIydndrQT09