Student Number Theory Seminar

Tuesday, June 27, 2023 9:30 pm - 9:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Talk #1 Valentio Iverson: Powerfree Sieve on Prime Inputs

Abstract: In recent years, there have been several results on the density of integer tuples (a_1,...,a_n) such that f(a_1,...,a_n), for some fixed integer polynomial f, is squarefree. In this talk, we restrict to the case of prime inputs and prove similar results.

Talk #2 Gian Sanjaya: Density of Restricted Polynomials with Squarefree Discriminant

Abstract: In 2007, Ash, Brakenhoff, and Zarrabi conjectured the density of general monic integer polynomials of fixed degree with squarefree discriminant. They also conjectured the density of monic irreducible integer polynomials f of fixed degree such that Z[X]/(f(X)) is integrally closed. These conjectures have been proven in 2022 by Bhargava, Shankar, and Wang.

In this talk, we explore these problems for two classes of polynomials: 1. monic integer polynomials of fixed degree with fixed first sub-coefficient, and 2. monic integer polynomials of fixed degree with first and second sub-coefficient equal to zero. We give a conjecture on the two densities and describe how to compute these densities via counting over function fields. It is to be noted that the degree 4 case for the second class has been solved in a previous joint work with Xiaoheng Wang.

Talk #3 Steven Piatkowski: Representation Theory and Brauer's Theorem

Abstract: We will provide an introduction to representation theory of finite groups with emphasis on character theory of representations. Our connection to number theory will be Brauer’s theorem. Every character of a group G is a linear combination with integer coefficients of characters induced from characters of elementary subgroups. Which we re-phrase to be each character is a linear combination with integers coefficients of monomial characters.

MC 5417