Algebraic Geometry Working Seminar
Spencer Whitehead, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo
"A brief introduction to characteristic classes"
Spencer Whitehead, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo
"A brief introduction to characteristic classes"
Max Chemtov, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo
"Subalgebras of so(7) Induced by the Coassociative 4-Form on R^7"
Consider the 2-forms on R^7 resulting from evaluating the coassociative 4-form on two vectors. It turns out that, when such vectors are restricted to an associative 3-plane P, these 2-forms along with those in Λ^2(P) give a subalgebra of so(7) isomorphic to so(3) ♁ so(3). After giving some brief context, we will discuss this fact and characterize the intersections of such subalgebras for different choices of P.
Daren Cheng, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo
"The second variation of area of minimal surfaces in four-manifolds (Part 2)"
Padraig Daly, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo
"Quantum Superchannels"
Ragini Singhal, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo
"Deformation theory of nearly $\rm{G}_2$-structures and nearly $\rm{G}_2$ instantons"
Nolan Pyott, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo
"How Prime Gaps Were Bounded"
Caleb Suan, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo
"Monogenic Forms and Decomposition of Spinor-Valued Forms"
In this talk, we follow the text by Delanghe, Sommen, and Souček and demonstrate a splitting of the space of spinor-valued forms. We describe some important operators and their identities as well as properties of the exterior covariant derivative when restricted to certain subspaces of spinor-valued forms. Time permitting, we will define monogenic forms and some of their homological properties.
Zoom meeting:
Nicholas Kayban, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo
"Riemannian Submersions and the O'Neill Tensors"
Adam Humeniuk, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo
"Jensen's Inequality for separately convex noncommutative functions"
Patrick Naylor, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo
"Trisections of non-orientable 4—manifolds"