Research Area: Algebraic Geometry/Number Theory
Cynthia Dai
"Introduction to Naive Height"
In this seminar, we will be focusing on three results: Mordell-Weil theorem, Falting theorem, and potentially Vojta conjecture. If time permits, we will also try to cover Manin's conjecture for toric varieties. We will start slow and spend a one or two talks on naive heights on projective space, then define Weil heights for projective varieties, and study their properties. After this, we will focus on abelian varieties, and once we are familar with those objects, we introduce Neron-Tate heights, and finally prove the first main result we want to cover (actually, I think this will be all we can do this term).
For today's talk, I will review some algebraic number theory, then define Naive heights.
MC 5417