Pure Math PhD student wins Amit and Meena Chakma Award for Exceptional Teaching

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Congratulations to Sean Monahan, a recipient of this year’s Amit and Meena Chakma Award for Exceptional Teaching. The award ($1000), which is given to up to four recipients annually, recognizes excellence in teaching by students, including intellectual vigour, skill in communication and presentation of subject matter, and concern for the needs of students.

Sean Monahan is a fourth-year PhD student in Pure Mathematics. In addition to TAing multiple courses, Monahan has taught Math 135: Algebra for Honours Mathematics (Fall 2022) and Math 115: Linear Algebra for Engineering (Fall 2023).

“I was very excited and surprised when I heard that I won this award,” Monahan says. “It means a lot to me that my students liked the classes that I taught, and that even one of them would nominate me for an award like this.”

Read the full story from Math news to learn more.