School spirit

Thursday, October 8, 2020

“Two of my high school math teachers were alumni of Waterloo Math, and they constantly raved about the university,” remembered Gurtaj Dhaliwal. In spite of his teachers’ occasionally excessive cheerleading, the Brampton native pursued his passion for mathematics to the Department of Pure Mathematics within the Waterloo Faculty of Mathematics. “I love that moment where a difficult abstract concept just clicks,” he expressed. “Pure Math lets me delve deeper and deeper into the mental challenge of solving puzzles.”

Now, Gurtaj has taken on the role of cheerleader for Waterloo Math as he passes down knowledge and school spirit to younger students. He is currently completing a co-op term at Sheridan College, where he works as a teaching assistant for first-year math classes. “My ultimate dream is to become a professor,” he revealed. “I want the opportunity to teach students who are passionate about the content.”

Gurtaj recognizes that it can be intimidating for many students to cope with studying in an environment full of so many brilliant minds. “Eventually, you have to accept that you will hit walls when you try to understand concepts, and in every class, there will be someone smarter than you,” he recognized. On the other hand, Waterloo makes it worth the struggle. “This is where we get to chase the peaks of human knowledge,” he said. “I’m enjoying the process.” 

Read Gurtaj's full profile.