Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held on a day and at a place fixed by the Board, normally in May.
Notice of the AGM
The agenda, reports and minutes of the previous meeting, will be available when notice is given.
If a Member wishes to proposes a matter of business at the meeting, please contact the UWRA President before 4:00 pm on April 25th, so that such item can be included in the notice.
Members who are not able to be present at the meeting, may designate a proxy by submitting the proxy form electronically or by mail to the UWRA. Proxies must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. on the day before the date of the meeting. There is no limit to the number of proxies that a Member may hold. Members may designate the UWRA Secretary as their proxy.
To assign your proxy, download the Proxy Vote.PDF, complete and mail or email it to the UWRA .
A quorum for the transaction of business at the AGM is ten (10). If a quorum is present at the opening of a meeting, the Members present may proceed with the business of the meeting, even if a quorum is not present throughout the meeting.
Non-member participation
Retirees that have not paid for a UWRA membership and any other interested person may attend the meeting if invited by the Chair or with the majority consent of the Members present at the meeting. Participants may take part in discussion and debate on business, but are not entitled to move motions, second motions, or vote.
Contact the UWRA President if you are interested in attending the AGM.
Meeting by electronic means
The AGM may be held entirely by electronic means or by any combination of in-person attendance and electronic means, and it must enable all persons entitled to attend the meeting to reasonably participate. A person who, through electronic means, votes at or attends the AGM is deemed for the purposes of this by-law to be present at the meeting.
Instructions for attending, participating and voting at the meeting will be included with the Notice of the AGM.