Monthly Bulletin - January 2025

Monday, January 6, 2025
by Rose Vogt

Introducing the UWRA Monthly Bulletin 

New for 2025! Introducing the UWRA Monthly Bulletin! (A catchy, creative name, we know.) A monthly note to let you know what’s happening and what’s coming up for UWaterloo retirees. A few bullet points on one screenful—with more info only if you want it.
Short and sweet: click on any header or link for more info.

Brew Crew

The Brew Crew, launched in December, meets the second Thursday of every month at 10 AM, in the Food Court at Conestoga Mall (Entrance 2) in Waterloo. Free parking. Lots of space. No registration. Caffeine and conversation. Come out for Brew Crew II on Thursday, January 9!

January Brew Crew

Several retirees enjoying coffee and social time at Conestoga Mall.

Announcing the great Brew Crew
Who gather to toss a brew. 
So off to the Mall
To meet each oth’all,
Retirees of UWaterloo.

(Anonymous – for obvious reasons!)

RPW for Faculty

RPW? Retirement planning workshop. The UWRA is collaborating with FAUW to offer retirement planning workshops for faculty (and their partners), hosted by RTOERO. The two-hour workshop touches on financial decisions, benefits in retirement, and other retirement matters, followed by a complimentary meal. Two workshops are scheduled: January 22 and February 27. Spread the word among faculty working at the University or the federated and affiliated institutions across the creek. We offered two similar workshops for staff in the fall, with 100% approval. (FAUW and UWSA members are the UWRA’s future members.)

Mark your calendar!

Take a look at the UWRA events calendar

  • Ice skating at RIM Park is in the works for January 22, 10 or 11 AM.
  • The UWRA 2025 AGM is scheduled for Wednesday, May 14, when new governance documents will be presented for members’ approval. Please plan to attend.
  • This year’s CURAC National Conference will be in Montreal, May 21-23, hosted by McGill. Registration opens in March.
  • WATtimes should arrive in your mailbox by early March. You can enjoy past issues of WATtimes on the UWRA website.
  • Watch the UWRA Events page for these and other events and presentations, including the spring luncheon!


Your UWRA is a member of the College and University Retiree Associations of Canada (CURAC). Check out CURAC’s Events Calendar. Many of the lectures are webinars.

Pet of the month

January’s handsome fellow is Beau Champion, who adopted his humans four years ago. He arrived from Toronto through Pound Dog Rescue, a local rescue organization. “Ain’t nothing  like a pound dog!”

Submissions welcome for future Monthly Bulletins! Send your favourite photo to PetOfTheMonth.

Pale golden poodle with a white collar and bow tie.

Share what's on your mind!

We’d love to hear from you! Tell us what you’d like your retiree association to offer. Share how you’re doing and what’s new. You’ll find contact information here. Comments on this Monthly Bulletin may be shared with