Monthly Bulletin-February 2025

Friday, March 14, 2025
by Rose Vogt

UWRA Monthly Bulletin February 2025

A monthly note to let you know what’s happening and what’s coming up for UWaterloo retirees. A few bullet points on one screenful—with more info only if you want it.

Brew Crew

The Brew Crew, launched in December, meets the second Thursday of every month at 10 AM, in the Food Court at Conestoga Mall (Entrance 2) in Waterloo. Free parking. Lots of space. No registration. Caffeine and conversation. The next Brew Crew is on Thursday, February 13.

Fish and Chips Day

Fish and chips at the Legion: Treat yourself and a Valentine’s Day special person to lunch at the Legion! Wednesday, February 12; Royal Canadian Legion, 16 Marsland Dr., Waterloo. Burgers, chicken fingers, and more are also available, but UW retiree and Legion member Jim Marshall recommends the fish and chips. CASH ONLY. Sign up here if you plan to attend, and we’ll alert the kitchen.

Trip Merchant

Like to travel? Explore Trip Merchant. Trip Merchant is a CURAC (and therefore UWRA) affinity partner. As a UW retiree, you can register for a free Trip Merchant account. On the registration page, enter “4fff” for the CURAC “organization code.” Check out the offerings; kick the tires; dream about your next destination! And find out more when Trip Merchant co-founder Tom MacLean presents via Zoom on Wednesday, February 26, at 7 PM ET.

Volunteers wanted!

Volunteers wanted for

Retirement Planning Workshop

RPW for faculty: The UWRA is collaborating with FAUW to offer a retirement planning workshop (RPW) for faculty (and their partners), hosted by RTOERO. The two-hour workshop touches on financial decisions about RRSPs and CPP, benefits in retirement, and other retirement matters, followed by a complimentary three-course meal. The first workshop was offered on January 22. A second workshop is scheduled for February 27, 5-7 PM at Renison. This workshop is for you if you’re newly retired. And spread the word among faculty working at the University or the federated and affiliated institutions across the creek. We offered two similar workshops for staff in the fall, with 100% approval. (FAUW and UWSA members are the UWRA’s future members.) Space is limited.

Mark your calendar

  • Every Wednesday, weather and social life permitting: X-country skiing at Schneider Woods with fellow UW retirees. See the UWRA Events page for details.
  • Wednesday, February 26: Trip Merchant Zoom presentation with co-founder Tom MacLean, 7 PM.
  • Tuesday, March 18: The UWRA Spring Luncheon with guest speaker Shabnam Ivkoviic, Director of International Strategic Initiatives, Co-operative Education, University of Waterloo.
  • The UWRA 2025 AGM is scheduled for Wednesday, May 14, when new governance documents will be presented for members’ approval. Please plan to attend.
  • This year’s CURAC National Conference will be in Montreal, May 21-23, hosted by McGill. Registration opens in March. Combine the conference with some touring of Quebec.
  • Visit the UWRA Events page for these and other events and presentations.

And check out CURAC’s Events Calendar. Upcoming offerings include

  • February 12: Complexities of Food Systems
  • February 26: Age Friendly Universities Meeting

Resource of the month

I Simply Remember These Favorite ThingsArmitage’s Favourites, a monthly newsletter highlighting a favourite plant, garden, book, show/movie, and place. This Armitage is Dr. Allan Armitage, horticulturalist and brother of Waterloo’s Dr. Howard Armitage. Stay tuned for an upcoming Zoom presentation, Great Gardens of the British Isles.

Pet of the month

Meet Mack, a 19-month old Pointer who’s already a Canadian champion with two field titles under his belt, er, bow tie. Mack lives with Craig and Debbie McDonald; Craig retired from the Faculty of Health in 2022.

Submissions welcome for future Monthly Bulletins! Send your favourite photo and details to PetOfTheMonth.

Mack the pointer is a brown and white dog wearing bowtie.

Share what’s on your mind

We’d love to hear from you! Let us know if you read this far and if you’re enjoying the Monthly Bulletin. Look here for contact information for your Board of Directors. You can also send ideas and comments to