Partnership Benefits

Included Benefits Community Partners Startup Partners Industry Partners Corporate Partners
Invitation to all RoboHub events
Inclusion in marketing materials
Access to the RoboHub community
Guided Tours of RoboHub facilities
Booth at annual RoboHub job fair x
Inclusion in recruitment materials x
Option to sponsor student awards and scholarships x
Discounts with select community partners x
Branded sponsorship of a RoboHub event x x x
Annual roundtable with RoboHub experts x x x
Option to host student engagement events x x x
Dedicated concierge service with WatSPEED x x x

Community Partner Benefits

For non-profit and public organizations looking to join our community

  • Invitation to all RoboHub events, with opportunities to host a branded booth, sponsor networking sessions, take part in panels, and more
  • Inclusion in marketing materials, including the RoboHub website and print material, with placement and sizing based on partnership level
  • Access to the RoboHub community, including publications from our research team, job listings from partners, calls for proposals, and more
  • Guided tours of RoboHub's state-of-the-art facility and access to its globally-unique fleet of robots as a marketing resource

Startup Partner Benefits

For nascent companies looking for recruitment and community

  • Booth at the annual RoboHub job fair, located in a partners-only area, with the option to disseminate promotional materials
  • Inclusion in recruitment materials, including dissemination of internship and job opportunities to undergrad and grad students

  • Option to sponsor student awards and scholarships, along with an invitation to an awards event to meet and greet the recipients

  • Discounts with select community partners, including preferred pricing on all WatSPEED programming

Along with the Community Partner benefits:

  • Invitation to all RoboHub events, with opportunities to host a branded booth, sponsor networking sessions, take part in panels, and more
  • Inclusion in marketing materials, including the RoboHub website and print material, with placement and sizing based on partnership level

  • Access to the RoboHub community, including publications from our research team, job listings from partners, calls for proposals, and more

  • Guided tours of RoboHub's state-of-the-art facility and access to its globally-unique fleet of robots as a marketing resource

Industrial Partner Benefits

For established companies looking for recruitment and community

  • Booth at the annual RoboHub job fair, located in a partners-only area, with the option to disseminate promotional materials
  • Inclusion in recruitment materials, including dissemination of internship and job opportunities to undergrad and grad students

  • Option to sponsor student awards and scholarships, along with an invitation to an awards event to meet and greet the recipients

  • Discounts with select community partners, including preferred pricing on all WatSPEED programming

Along with the Community Partner benefits:

  • Invitation to all RoboHub events, with opportunities to host a branded booth, sponsor networking sessions, take part in panels, and more
  • Inclusion in marketing materials, including the RoboHub website and print material, with placement and sizing based on partnership level

  • Access to the RoboHub community, including publications from our research team, job listings from partners, calls for proposals, and more

  • Guided tours of RoboHub's state-of-the-art facility and access to its globally-unique fleet of robots as a marketing resource

Corporate Partner Benefits

For companies looking for consultation, recruitment, and community

  • Branded sponsorship of a RoboHub event, including the dissemination of promotional materials to all attendees

  • Annual roundtable with RoboHub experts, to discuss potential collaborations and learn about how the state of the art in robotics will impact your business

  • Option to host student engagement events, such as Hackathons or Student Competitions focused on specific challenges for your business

  • Dedicated concierge service with WatSPEED, including the option to request customized company-specific training

Along with the Industrial and Community Partner benefits:

  • Booth at the annual RoboHub job fair, located in a partners-only area, with the option to disseminate promotional materials
  • Inclusion in recruitment materials, including dissemination of internship and job opportunities to undergrad and grad students

  • Option to sponsor student awards and scholarships, along with an invitation to an awards event to meet and greet the recipients

  • Discounts with select community partners, including preferred pricing on all WatSPEED programming

  • Invitation to all RoboHub events, with opportunities to host a branded booth, sponsor networking sessions, take part in panels, and more

  • Inclusion in marketing materials, including the RoboHub website and print material, with placement and sizing based on partnership level

  • Access to the RoboHub community, including publications from our research team, job listings from partners, calls for proposals, and more

  • Guided tours of RoboHub's state-of-the-art facility and access to its globally-unique fleet of robots as a marketing resource