Dedicated staff

RoboHub's dedicated team of technical and administrative staff members support the core and extended research teams and their respective labs in achieving their research goals, as well as handling the day-to-day operations and management of our facility and fleet.

For details on any of the team's specific skills and backgrounds, check out their profiles below.

This team is also responsible for providing robotics-related services on- and off-campus, including supporting education and outreach activities, hosting the media, consulting on R&D projects, developing and maintaining safety procedures, and many other tasks.

Brandon J. DeHart

Adjunct Assistant Professor and RoboHub Manager

Professor Brandon DeHart is the RoboHub Manager. He has been working with mobile and legged robots for almost 20 years, with a research focus on balance and gait for bipedal robots.

Robert Wagner

RoboHub Technician and Safety Officer

Robert Wagner is the RoboHub's Technician and Safety Officer, having joined the team after working with MME as a CNC Technician for over 20 years.

Alexander Werner

RoboHub Specialist: Humanoid Robotics

Alexander Werner is the RoboHub's Humanoid Specialist and a PhD Candidate at the German Aerospace Centre (DLR). While his focus is control and locomotion for humanoid robots, he also supports general research in the RoboHub.