Steven Waslander

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Steven WaslanderBiography summary
Steven Waslander is an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies and an Adjunct Professor in the Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering department, and the former Director of the Waterloo Autonomous Vehicles Laboratory (WAVELab).
His research interests lie in the areas of autonomous aerial and ground vehicles, simultaneous localization and mapping, nonlinear estimation and control, and multi-vehicle systems.
Professor Waslander has a long history of industrial collaboration, with partners Aeryon Labs, Clearpath Robotics, and Renesas Electronics America, and is a member of the NSERC Canadian Field Robotics Network. He also acted as the academic advisor to the University of Waterloo Robotics Team, which both compete in a large number of competitions such as the NASA Sample Return Robot Challenge, the Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition, and the International Autonomous Robot Racing competition.
Research interests
- Quadrotors
- Autonomous Driving
- Multi-sensor localization and mapping
- Motion Planning
- Object detection and tracking
- Convolutional Neural Networks
- Recurrent Neural Networks
- Autonomous and connected car
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Automotive
- Robotics
- 2007, Doctorate, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University
- 2002, Master's, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University
- 1998, Bachelor's, Applied Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering, Queen's University
Selected/recent publications
- Gharibi, Mirmojtaba and Boutaba, Raouf and Waslander, Steven L, Internet of drones, IEEE Access, 4, 2016, 1148 - 1162
- Tribou, Michael J and Wang, David WL and Waslander, Steven L, Degenerate motions in multicamera cluster SLAM with non-overlapping fields of view, Image and Vision Computing, 50, 2016, 27 - 41
- Ahuja, Siddhant and Iles, Peter and Waslander, Steven L, Three-dimensional Scan Registration using Curvelet Features in Planetary Environments, Journal of Field Robotics, 33(2), 2016, 243 - 259
- Akhtar, Adeel and Nielsen, Christopher and Waslander, Steven L, Path following using dynamic transverse feedback linearization for car-like robots, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 31(2), 2015, 269 - 279
- Mathew, Neil and Smith, Stephen L and Waslander, Steven L, Multirobot rendezvous planning for recharging in persistent tasks, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 31(1), 2015, 128 - 142