Approved Courses
Science and Business Advisors have pre-approved the following list of courses as “Approved Courses” for the program. If you wish to take a course outside of this list for your “Approved Course” requirements, please reach out to for approval.
Computing and Data Science List
- AMATH445 - Scientific Machine Learning [prereq: MATH228]
- CO227 - Introduction to Optimization (Non-Specialist Level) [prereq: MATH114]
- CO327 - Deterministic OR Models (Non-Specialist Level) [prereq: CO227]
- CS105 - Introduction to Computer Programming 1
- CS106 - Introduction to Computer Programming 2 [prereq: CS105]
- CS114 - Principles of Computing for Science
- CS115 - Introduction to Computer Science 1
- CS116 - Introduction to Computer Science 2 [prereq: CS115]
- CS330 - Management Information Systems [prereq: CS106/116]
- CS335 - Computational Methods in Business and Finance
- ECON322 - Econometric Analysis 1
- ECON323 - Econometric Analysis 2 [prereq: ECON322]
- ECON422 - Microeconometric Analysis [prereq: STAT221]
- ECON423 - Time Series Econometrics [prereq: STAT221]
- ECON424 - Machine Learning in Economics [prereq: STAT221]
- ECON474 - Numerical Methods for Economists [prereq: ECON323, 393]
- HLTH230 - Introduction to Health Informatics
- MATH114 - Linear Algebra for Science
- MATH228 - Differential Equations for Physics and Chemistry
- MSE331 - Introduction to Optimization
- STAT202 - Introductory Statistics for Scientists
- STAT220 - Probability (Non-Specialist Level)
- STAT221 - Statistics (Non-Specialist Level) [prereq: STAT220]
- STAT322 - Sampling and Experimental Design (Non-Specialist Level) [prereq: STAT221]
Environment, Sustainability and Ethics
- ENVS105 - Environmental Sustainability and Ethics
- ENVS178 - Environmental Applications of Data Management and Statistics
- ENVS195 - Introduction to Environmental Studies
- ENVS201 - Introduction to Canadian Environmental Law
- ENVS205 - Sustainability: The Future We Want
- ENVS210 - Future Studies
- ENVS220 - Ecological Economics
- ENVS310 - Future Cities: Integrating Future Thinking into Urban Decisions [prereq: ENVS210]
- ENVS401 - Canadian Law, Indigenous Peoples, and Natural Resource Development
- ENVS410 - Urban Futures Project [prereq: ENVS310]
- ENVS444 - Ecosystem and Resource Management in Parks/Natural Areas
- PHIL215 - Professional and Business Ethics
- PHIL 218J Foundation of Ethics
- PHIL 219J Practical Ethics
- PHIL 226 Biomedical Ethics
Finance and Economics
- COMM101 - Introduction to Financial Markets
- ECON211 - Introduction to Mathematical Economics
- ECON212 - Introduction to Game Theory
- ECON231 - Introduction to International Economics
- ECON241 - Introduction to Public Economics
- ECON254 - Economics of Sport
- ECON255 - Introduction to the Economics of Natural Resources
- ECON256 - Introduction to Health Economics
- ECON290 - Models of Choice in Competitive Markets
- ECON306 – Macroeconomics [prereq: ECON102,391]
- ECON351 - Labour Economics
- ECON361 - Cost-Benefit Analysis and Project Evaluation [prereq: ECON201/290, STAT221]
- ECON372 - Business Finance 2 [prereq: ECON 221, 371, STAT220]
- ECON391 - Equilibrium in Market Economies
- ECON392 - Strategic Situations and Welfare Economics
- ECON393 - Market Failures [prereq: ECON391]
- ECON406 - Money and Banking 2 [prereq: ECON306,393, STAT221]
- ECON407 - Economic Growth and Development 2 [prereq: ECON306,393, STAT221]
- ECON408 - Business Cycles [prereq: ECON306,393, STAT221]
- ECON491 - Advanced Microeconomics [prereq: ECON392, 393]
- ECON496 - Advanced Macroeconomics [prereq: ECON392, 393, STAT221]
Innovation and Entrepreneurship List
- BET210 - Business Technology and Infrastructure
- BET300 - Foundations of Venture Creation
- BET340 - Essentials of Entrepreneurial Planning and Execution
- BET350 - Customer Experience Design
- BET360 - Design Frameworks for Social Ventures
- BET405 - Digital Leadership and Transformation [prereq: BET 210]
- BET470 - Family Business
- COMM400 - Entrepreneurship, Technology and the Emerging Information Economy
- COMM432 - Electronic Business [prereq: CS 330 or MGM244]
- ERS200 - Indigenous Sustainability Entrepreneurship
- GSJ207 - Entrepreneurship, Gender, and Social Justice
- INDENT200 - The Past, Present, and Future of Indigenous Entrepreneurship
- INDENT210 - Fundamentals of Indigenous Entrepreneurship
- INDENT225 - Practicum in Indigenous Entrepreneurship 1 [prereq: INDENT210]
- INDENT302 - Creating an Online Business [prereq: INDENT200, 210]
- INDENT310 - Case Studies in Indigenous Venture Creation
- INDENT320 - Indigenous Economic Development Corporations
- INDENT325 - Practicum in Indigenous Entrepreneurship 2 [prereq: INDENT225]
- INNOV200 - Theory and Practice of Social Innovation and Impact
- INNOV201 - Social Innovation for Global Impact
- INNOV300 - Case Studies in Social Innovation for Impact [prereq: INNOV200, 210]
- INNOV302 - Measuring and Evaluating Social Innovation for Impact [prereq: INNOV200, 210]
- INNOV311 - Research for Social Impact [prereq: INNOV300, 302]
- INNOV411 - Designing for Social Impact [prereq: INNOV311]
- INTEG121 - Collaboration, Design Thinking, and Problem Solving
- INTEG251 - Creativity and Innovation
International Business, Economic Development, Governance and Public Policy
- AFM333 - International Business / ARBUS301 - International Business
- ERS245 - Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Biodiversity Conservation: Nature, People, and Policy
- GEOG 101 Human Geographies: People, Space and Change
- GEOG102 - Global Environmental Systems: Processes and Change
- GEOG 203 – Introduction to International Development [prereq: GEOG102]
- INDEV101 - Issues in International Development [prereq: GEOG203]
- INDEV200 - The Political Economy of Development
- INDEV212 - Problem-Solving for Development [prereq: INDEV101]
- INDEV262 - Introduction to Global Emerging Cities
- INDEV300 - Culture and Ethics
- INDEV302 - Development Agents [prereq: INDEV101]
- INTST101 - Introduction to International Studies
- LS206 - Canadian Government and Politics
- LS366 - Global Governance
- PLAN240 - Environmental Planning and Policy
- PSCI231 - Government and Business
- PSCI281 - Introduction to International Relations
- PSCI387 – Globalization
- PSCI389 - Global Governance
- SCBUS425 - Workshop 6: Challenges in Globalizing Science and Technology
- SDS330R - International Public Policy
- SDS322R - Community Engagement and Social Development
- SDS388R - Globalization and Social Development
Management and Business Consulting
- COMMST433 - The Organizational Consultant
- BET580 - Consulting
Marketing and Communication
- BET400 - Marketing Foundations for Early-Stage Ventures
- ENGL 109 Academic Writing
- ENGL 210J Technical Editing
- ENGL 210E Genres of Technical Communication
- ENGL 392B Visual Rhetoric
- ENGL 472 Research Methods in Technical Communication
- HHUM222 - Health, Illness, and Narrative
- MGMT244 - Principles of Marketing
- MGMT345 - Marketing Strategy [prereq: MGMT244]
Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources List
- BET450 - Leadership
- BET460 - Business Negotiations
- COMMST227 - Leadership
- COMMST325 - Organizational Communication
- COMMST431 - Crisis Communication
- COMMST432 - Conflict Management
- ECON409 - Workers, Jobs, and Wages [prereq: ECON 306, 393, STAT221]
- GEOG302 - Geographies of Work and Employment
- HRM200 - Basic Human Resources Management
- HRM301 - Strategic Human Resources Management [prereq: HRM200]
- LS271 - Conflict Resolution
- LS315 - Labour Law
- LS319 - Negotiation: Theories and Strategies
- MSE311 - Organizational Design and Technology
- MSE411 - Leadership and Influence
- PSYCH 101 Introductory Psychology
- PSYCH238 - Organizational Psychology
- PSYCH439 - Negotiation in the Workplace: Theory and Practice
Socioeconomic Impact of Science and Technology
- GSJ205 - Technology, Gender, and Social Justice
- MSE422 - Economic Impact of Technological Change and Entrepreneurship
- STV202 - Design and Society
- STV205 - Cybernetics and Society
- STV208 - Artificial Intelligence and Society: Impact, Ethics, and Equity
- STV210 - The Computing Society
- STV302 - Information Technology and Society
- STV304 - Technology in Canadian Society
- STV305 - Technology, Society and the Modern City
- STV306 - Biotechnology and Society
Other Business Focused Courses
- COMM431 - Project Management
- MSE432 - Production and Service Operations Management
- SCBUS424 - Workshop 5: Special Topics in Science and Business