WatSolve Application

Thank you for your interest in joining the WatSolve Consulting Group!

Please indicate what terms you will be on co-op
WatSolve is divided into different internal teams: Finance, Operations, Human Resources, Member Development, Strategy and Marketing. Which teams are you interested in? Select all teams that you are interested in.
The Finance and Analytics team oversees all WatSolve’s financial tasks and helps collect and interpret feedback from WatSolvers through multiple surveys. As WatSolve continues to grow, managing finances becomes a crucial task to work on. By helping to determine budgets, WatSolve can continue to host and expand their future events for other SCBUS students. Organizing and distributing surveys is an important part of Watsolve’s operations. Surveys are constantly being used to track feedback like reviews on client work, internal team experiences, and meetings. WatSolve is always implementing feedback to help improve the experience for members. Examples of their work include creating a survey result analysis and hosting a Bloomberg Terminal workshop, where WatSolvers learn how to access and use Bloomberg Terminals which is used to access real-time market data. Finance and analytics members practice working on financial models and use data analysis and management skills while using strong written communication skills to create surveys.
WatSolve’s Operations team is responsible for ensuring the organization runs smoothly. Operations members will be responsible for organizing and cleaning WatSolve’s SharePoint system, an online shared drive WatSolvers use for all their files. This includes periodically verifying all documents follow specific naming procedures and belong to respective folders for their internal team. Members will also work to secure the safety of SharePoint by restricting access from individuals without permissions like clients and ex-members. In addition, managing the stand operating procedure (SOP) inventory is another task that includes regularly updating each internal team’s SOP status for the term. The team is responsible for organizing the roundtable talk for the end of the term where members can provide feedback on how the period went for them. Operations members practice effective time management and organization skills through their regular check-ups of the SharePoint system and use communication and collaboration skills to effectively divide up tasks.
he human resources team will help with ensuring that the WatSolve culture is maintained during the semester. The team plays a pivotal role in planning hiring for the upcoming semesters. During the term, the team creates a hiring schedule for the upcoming semester, updates the master team pipeline, and designs surveys for recruitment data. Additionally, the team continuously updates WatSolve’s policies and coordinates the project lead handoff process. An exceptional human resources member should pay great attention to detail, demonstrate valuable time management and analysis skills in order to continually critique and improve the WatSolve experience for present members.
The member development team will help organize WatSolve's exciting events throughout the term to encourage community. Past events included a pottery session for WatSolve’s BOT (beginning of the term) event and a Pin Up Arcade Bar event for the EOT (end of the term). During the term, the team hosts a Show and Tell activity where each week a selected internal team member will present on a topic of interest to them. Another weekly activity is a music league where each member selects a song based on a theme and each member votes on their favorite song. Organizing all of these events requires a lot of planning by collecting survey feedback, working with member availabilities, and working with budgets. A member of the member development team should have both written and verbal communication, time management and organization skills to help plan events while also being a great listener to consider feedback from multiple parties.
The strategy team is in charge of overseeing the development and implementation of strategies to help achieve WatSolve’s goals and objectives. The team is aware that plans always change depending on current situations which is why members are constantly checking the progress of each goal and evaluating if these goals are still feasible. The team was responsible for working on the client acquisition matrix (CAM), environmental analysis and metric dashboard in past semesters. Members of the strategy team are known for their ability to be comfortable with change by shifting goals and objectives based on current standings. Effective goal setting, time and project management skills are helpful.
WatSolve’s marketing team helps communicate activities occurring at WatSolve to members and non-members. Tasks include creating and regularly posting on multiple social media platforms like Instagram and LinkedIn about the various events that happen throughout the term such as hiring periods, fireside chats, and SCBUS events to help inform the community of WatSolve-related events. Other posts include showcasing each internal team member. Updating WatSolve’s website to match current goals and achievements is a regular task. Creating and updating the social media analytics reports is also a continuous responsibility for the marketing team. Marketing members use creativity and strong communication skills when working on their social media posts. They also constantly analyze data and should be comfortable writing reports and creating graphics.