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Robert Brown

Professor Emeritus

Contact Information:
Robert Brown

Research interests

Rob’s research focus is the design of financial security programs in times of rapidly shifting demographics. In his 39 years at Waterloo, Rob wrote seven books and over 50 refereed papers.

Steve Brown

Professor Emeritus

Contact Information:
Steve Brown

Research interests

Professor Brown is a biostatistician whose research interests include the development of statistical methods for the design of community-based interventions, the analysis of longitudinal data collected from studies of interventions designed to affect health behaviours, and the design and analysis of observational studies of health behaviour.

Mary Hardy

Professor Emerita


My research focuses on risk management strategies for long term contingent risks. The work is problem-driven, using theory and methodology from financial engineering, statistics and actuarial science. Much of my current research seeks to measure and promote fairness, efficiency and transparency in the design and implementation of insurance and pension risk solutions.

Jeanette O'Hara Hines

Professor Emertia/Adjunct Faculty

Contact Information:
Jeanette O'Hara Hines

Research interests

Jeanette O'Hara Hines' research has focused on the practical needs of researchers in the biological sciences, who frequently pose challenges with new ways of gathering data, or with new objectives. Jeanette's ongoing research project is the analysis of clustered or longitudinal data with categorical responses, a type of data frequently gathered in the biological and medical areas.

Jerry Lawless

Distinguished Professor Emeritus

Contact Information:
Jerry Lawless

​Research interests

My research interests cut across several areas of statistics, including survival and event history analysis, modeling, theory and methods for estimation and prediction, and the analysis of incomplete data. I am motivated by scientific and technical issues that arise in medicine, public health, system reliability, the social sciences and other areas.

Mary Thompson

Distinguished Professor Emerita

Contact Information:
Mary Thompson

Research interests

Professor Thompson works primarily in survey methodology and sampling theory. Her book Theory of Sample Surveys describes the mathematical and foundational theory in detail; it also contains a systematic approach to using estimating functions in surveys, and a thorough discussion (with examples) of the role of the sampling design when survey data are used for analytic purposes.

Estimation for stochastic processes has been another theme of her research. These twothemes come together in aspects of inference from complex longitudinal surveys. Issues in the design of longitudinal surveys to support causal inference are central to work on the International Tobacco Control Survey, with which Professor Thompson has been involved since 2002. She studies the application of multilevel models and longitudinal models with time-varying covariates to complex survey data, including the best ways to adapt the estimating functions systems for use with survey weights, and the use of resampling techniques to provide accurate interval estimates.

She is also currently collaborating on projects in survival and multistate models and the design of behavioural interventions on random networks.