SYDE faculty-authored papers win conference awards

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Several systems design engineering (SYDE) faculty-authored papers won awards at the 7th annual Conference on Vision and Intelligent Systems (CVIS).

  • Best AI Paper Award 
    TinyDefectNet: Highly Compact Deep Neural Network Architecture for High-Throughput Manufacturing Visual Quality Inspection
    Mohammad Javad Shafiee (SYDE)*; Mahmoud Famouri (DarwinaI); Gautam Bathla (DarwinAI); Francis  Li (DarwinAI); Alexander Wong (SYDE)

  • Best Vision Paper Award 
    ​End-to-End Scene Text Spotting at Character Level
    ​Zobeir Raisi (SYDE PhD student)*; John Zelek (SYDE)

  • Best Imaging Paper Award 
    Formulating a Moving Camera Solution for Non-Planar Scene Estimation and Projector Calibration
    Katherine M Arnold (SYDE MASc student)*; Paul Fieguth (SYDE); Mark Lamm (Christie Digital Systems Inc)

  • Honourable Mention Best AI Paper Award 
    Overcoming forgetting in video object segmentation
    Amir Nazemi (SYDE PhD student)*; Mohammad Javad Shafiee (SYDE); Paul Fieguth (SYDE)

  • Honourable Mention Best Vision Paper Award 
    MetaGraspNet: A Large-Scale Benchmark Dataset for Vision-driven Robotic Grasping via Physics-based Metaverse Synthesis
    Yuhao Chen (Postdoctoral researcher); E. Zhixuan Zeng (University of Waterloo)*; Maximilian Gilles (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology); Alexander Wong (SYDE)

  • Honourable Mention Best Imaging Paper Award 
    A Different Point of View: Investigating Use of Neural Radiance Field View Synthesis for Viewpoint Invariance
    Matthew Bradley (University of Waterloo)*; John Zelek (SYDE)