One University of Waterloo (UW) PhD candidate has developed an AI program he says shines a light into that black box—the "white box" method—revealing the inner workings of the AI and allowing us to better understand what the computer is learning, how it is analyzing data, and why decisions are made.
The software, known as CLEAR (CLass-Enhanced Attentive Response) Trade, analyzes decisions made by these AI algorithms and reverse engineers them to provide important insight into why a program chose a specific option.
"Our motivation was to provide more insight to the analyst. Right now [AI] says if the stock will go up or down, but gives no explanation," said Devinder Kumar, chatting with me over the phone from Waterloo. He is just completing his first year of his PhD at UW, about an hour's drive west of Toronto. (Read more)
This article was originally published on Motherboard.