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Hack the North Encore
SYDE student on a radio show
Our 2B SYDE students, Katharine Carras, will be featured on a radio show today at 1:30. She is going to talk about working at Kik as a co-op and the Kik Codes Project. You can listen live at
PhD student honoured with P.E.O. Sisterhood scholar award.
SYDE Prof. Ed Jernigan reflects on the 30 years he spent in the SHAD program.
It might not have been the path he would have chosen for himself when Ed Jernigan came to the city in 1976 to teach math and system design engineering at the University of Waterloo from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
But the sacrifices he made to inspire the best and brightest students from across the country through the SHAD program over the last 30 years have laid the groundwork for the next generation of innovators, and he’s proud of the part he played in touching the lives of more than 3,000 people.
Dean's Honors List - Fall 2014
Class of SYDE 2B Dean's honors students with Undergraduate chair Prof. Carolyn MacGregor and Department Chair Prof. Paul Fieguth
SYDE 361 Symposium Photos
All of the SYDE 361 groups consented to having their group photos taken, and they can be found here for your viewing pleasure:
Design exhibit showcases Internet of Things
Systems Design Engineering students will exhibit product designs that are themed around the Internet-of-Things (IOT) this week.
15 student groups in a third-year Systems Design Engineering course will present and demonstrate various product design prototypes.
The student groups were each required to select from a taxonomy of IOT application areas, namely:
Startup city: The high-tech fever reshaping Kitchener-Waterloo
Waterloo’s next wave
As BlackBerry fades to a shadow of its former self, a new generation of entrepreneurs is rising out of the Waterloo region. At its centre is an indispensable institution, talented inventors and a dedicated group of community leaders co-operating to support the hub’s ambition to become a world-class technology centre
On a sticky August Saturday in 2008, Steven Woods got a call on his cellphone.
SYDE Professor receives prestigious Early Reseacher Award
Assistant Professor Nasser Azad was one of nineteen UW researchers to receive an Early Researcher Award, for his work on the intelligent Energy Management of Electric Vehicles Under Driving Behaviour Uncertainty.[Read more]