

Waterloo.AI hosts monthly seminar series to foster discussion and collaboration around active topics of AI research at the University of Waterloo. Each seminar includes a talk by a guest speaker audience discussion, and a following reception with light refreshments for further discussion and networking. Please click the topic links for details. Past seminar recordings are available on YouTube.

Upcoming Seminars






Thursday, October 10, 2024

Augustinus Kristiadi Probabilistic Inference and Decision-Making with Foundation Models for Bayesian Optimization
Agustinus Kristiadi Seminar

Past Seminars

Spring 2024

Winter 2024

 Date Speaker Topic
February 2, 2024 Dr. Kevin He Learning from Viral Content
February 21, 2024 Dr. Max Li Uncertainties in the Airspace
March 4th, 2024 Saber Jafarpour Safety Assurance in Learning-enabled Autonomous Systems
March 6th, 2024 Jana Pavlasek Think Graphical Act Local
March 7th, 2024 Jun Gao Generative AI for 3D Content
March 11th, 2024 Dr. Jeremy Wang Ribbit — Canada's first autonomous airplane and R&D platform
March 12th, 2024 Krikamol Muandet Towards Imprecise Generalisation
March 20, 2024 Roya Fallah Firoozi Safe Robot Autonomy 
March 27th, 2024 Lunjia Hu Mathematical Foundations for Trustworthy Machine Learning
April 1st, 2024 Sarah Cen Paths to AI Accountability
April 3rd, 2024 Misha Khodak The Long Tail of AI
April 12th, 2024 Adam Dziedzic  Private Prompt Learning for LLM
April 12th, 2024 Franziska Boenisch Individualized Privacy and Memorization in Machine Learning Models

Fall 2023

Spring 2023

Fall 2022

 Date Speaker Topic Youtube Recordings

Dec.8th, 2022

Dr. Ali Ayub Long-term Real World Autonomy Assistance for Assistive Robots
Ali AYub
Nov. 10th, 2022
Boris Ivanovic Research Scientist in Nvidia's Autonomous Vehicle Research Group Effectively Integrating Behavior Prediction within the Modern Robotic Autonomy Stack
Boris Ivanovic
Oct. 13th, 2022 Prof. Abbas Houssam, Oregon State University Logic-Based Computational Ethics for Autonomous Agents
Prof. Abbas Houssam, Oregon State University
Sept. 8th, 2022 Dr. Radoslav Ivanov Safe autonomy within reach: a verified machine learning and control perspectiv
Radoslav Ivanov



FALL 2021

Date Speaker Topic Youtube Recordings
Nov. 9, 2021 Prof. Elias Khalil Deep Reinforcement Learning for Online Combinatorial Optimization: The Case of Bipartite Matching
Elias Khalil



FALL 2020

 Date Speaker Topic Youtube Recordings
Dec. 1, 2020 Prof. Graham Taylor Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks: Iterative Generation and Holistic Evaluation
Prof. Graham Taylor
Nov. 19, 2020 Prof. Peter van Beek, Prof. Hamid Tizhoosh, Prof. Kate Larson, Prof. Wayne Chang, Kevin Tuer (Communitech), & Prof. Charles Clarke AI for Managers and Executives - Webinar Series Pt.3 - Preparing Your Organization to Leverage AI at Scale
Prof. Peter van Beek, Prof. Hamid Tizhoosh, Prof. Kate Larson, Prof. Wayne Chang, Kevin Tuer (Communitech), & Prof. Charles Clarke
Nov. 5, 2020

Prof. Peter van Beek, Prof. Wayne Chang & Prof. Pascal Poupart

Graduate Students:
Stefanie Bruinsma, Esteban Veintimalla & Cristen Brown

AI for Managers and Executives - Webinar Series Pt. 2 - From the Lab to Production
Prof. Peter van Beek, Prof. Wayne Chang & Prof. Pascal Poupart
Nov. 3, 2020 Dr. Emtiyaz Khan Towards Life-Long Deep Learning with Bayes
Dr. Emtiyaz Khan
Oct. 29, 2020 Prof. Vijay Ganesh Machine Learning and Logic Solvers: The Next Frontier  
Oct. 22, 2020 Prof. Fakhri Karray & Prof. Hamid Tizhoosh AI for Managers and Executives - Webinar Series Pt. 1 - Separating Fact From Fiction
Prof. Fakhri Karray & Prof. Hamid Tizhoosh
Oct. 6, 2020 Prof. Taylor Reinforcement learning in the real world - how to "cheat" and still feel good about it
Prof. Taylor
Sept. 15, 2020 Dr. Ashkan Sami Dependability and Security and How to Improve Both at the Same Time
Dr. Ashkan Sami


FALL 2019

  Date Speaker Topic Youtube Recordings
Dec. 6, 2019 Qiang Liu Recent Applications of Stein's Method in Machine Learning  
Dec. 5, 2019 Kristian Kersting Deep Machines That Know When They Do not Know  
Nov. 22, 2019

Paul Hebert

Progress Towards Planetary Biosurveillance  
Nov. 8, 2019 Chris Eliasmith Spiking Neural Networks for More Efficient AI Algorithms
Chris Eliasmith
Oct. 4, 2019 Pascal Poupart Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation for Deep Reinforcement Learning
Prof. Pascal Poupart
Sept. 12, 2019 Mark Crowley Artificial Intelligence on Fire!
Mark Crowley



FALL 2018

  Date Speaker Topic
Nov. 26, 2018 Robin Cohen Trust modelling in multiagent systems: a look back and a look ahead
Oct. 29, 2018 Vijay Ganesh Machine Learning for SAT Solvers
Sept. 24, 2018

Hamid Tizhoosh

Artificial Intelligence - History, Opportunities and Challenges

Organizing committee

Prof. Pascal Poupart

Prof. Pascal Poupart

David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science
Faculty of Mathematics

Dr. Yash Vardhan Pant

Dr. Yash Vardhan Pant

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo.