Department of Biology
ESC 350
200 University Ave. W
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
Phone: (519) 888-4567 ext. 32569
Fax: (519) 746-0614
Pityopsis graminifolia (Michx.) Small var. graminifolia is the typical variety of the species and occurs in a zone from eastern Louisiana through northern Florida to southeastern North Carolina. It is distinguished by having small stalked glands on the phyllaries, particularly near the tips. The variety is diploid with 2n=18. See Semple (2006 FNA). Nesom (2019) revised the genus placing the Semple and Jabbour (2019) discussed the correct application of the name based on the type collections in Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris (P) collected by André Michaux. Earlier, Nesom (2019) had revised the genus and misapplied varietal names based on a treating the Michaux collections are lacking glands on the phyllaries.
Pityopsis graminifolia graminifolia, roadside population, Semple 10935, Bay Co. Florida
Pityopsis graminifolia var. graminifolia, skipper butterfly on head, Semple 10935, Florida
Pityopsis graminifolia var. graminifolia, dried phyllaries, Semple 3863 WAT, Alabama
Nesom, G.L. 2019. Note on the type of Pityopsis graminifolia (Asteraceae). Phytoneuron 2019-23: 1.
Semple, J.C. and F. Jabbour 2019. Type specimens of Inula (Pityopsis) graminifolia (Asteraceae: Astereae). Phytoneuron 2019-22. 1-9.
Last update 24 May 2023 by J.C. Semple
© 2023 J.C. Semple, including all photographs unless otherwise indicated