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Kaan Erkorkmaz

Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Professor
Kaan Erkorkmaz
519-888-4567 x35214
Location: EC4 1013


Google Scholar

[Engineering News] October 19, 2016 "Researchers join advanced manufacturing network"

Link to profile: Kaan Erkorkmaz
Link to personal webpage: Kaan Erkorkmaz

Veronika Magdanz

Systems Design Engineering
Veronika Magdanz
519-888-4567 x41532
Location: E7 6432

Research Interests:

  • microrobots

  • sperm cells
  • magnetic actuation
  • remote control
  • wireless
  • soft robots
  • medical robots
  • bioprinting
  • 3D printing

We develop microrobots for medical applications. The goal is to develop more targeted, active, but less invasive strategies for drug or cell delivery with the help of wireless, autonomously moving microrobots. One strategy is to combine biological elements with artificial components in a biohybrid approach. The biological component (cells, molecules) can serve as power source, loading unit or structural unit.

One example is the "spermbot" - a sperm cell remotely controlled with magnetic fields:
Another example is IRONSperm: a magnetically functionalized nonmotile sperm driven by magnetic fields:

Inspired by the motion of sperm, we also develop small scale flexible magnetic robots for noninvasive surgery (coming soon). I am also interested in reproductive biology and research that elucidates reasons for infertility. We look into the mechanisms of sperm migration and some interesting phenomena, such as sperm bundling (publication online soon)

[Google Scholar]

Link to profile: Veronika Magdanz
Link to personal webpage: Veronika Magdanz

Madjid Soltani

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Adjunct Assistant Professor

Shirley Tang

519-888-4567 x38037
Location: QNC 4618

Research Interests:

  • Nanomaterials, nanodevices, biosensors for applications in food processing, bioreactors and biotechnology, natural gas purification, fuel cell, and water purification

  • Nano-Bio Hybrids for Tissue Engineering and Medicine for drug delivery, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

  • Bio-molecule assisted nanomaterial self-assembly

  • Health and environmental effects of engineered nanomaterials

Link to profile: Shirley Tang
Link to personal webpage: Shirley Tang

Ehsan Toyserkani

Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Ehsan Toyserkani
519-888-4567 x37560
Location: EC4 1031
Contact for: Expertise in additive manufacturing of biodegradable scaffolds for regenerative medicine and tissue engineering applications, optical sensors for biomedical area.

Research Interests:

  • Tissue engineering and biodegradable implants for regenerative medicine (3D printing)

  • Bio-additive and microscale-additive manufacturing (opto-mechanical sensors, smart structures, developed through additive manufacturing)

  • Novel multi-scale additive manufacturing technologies for biomedical, oil/gas and manufacturing sectors

  • Laser-based fabrication techniques with particular focus on direct write processes in micro- and macro-scale

  • Modeling, sensing and real-time control of laser-based manufacturing techniques

University Research Chair



Google Scholar

Canada Research Chair in Multi-Scale Additive Manufacturing [Canada Research Chair Profile]

[Office of Research News] May 8,2018 "Waterloo researchers named Canada Research Chairs" 

[YouTube Lecture] May 6, 2014 "Additive manufacturing"

Office of Research - Technology Transfer & Commercialization:

Link to profile: Ehsan Toyserkani
Link to personal webpage: Ehsan Toyserkani

Thomas Willett

Systems Design Engineering
Thomas Willett
519-888-4567 x48405
Location: E7 6438

Research Interests:

  • Biomaterials and mechanics of biomaterials and tissues

  • Bone quality and fragility, collagen

  • Engineering of bone mimetic materials for skeletal reconstruction (3D printing)

Google Scholar

Link to profile: Thomas Willett
Link to personal webpage: Thomas Willett

Evelyn Yim

Chemical Engineering
Evelyn Yim
519-888-4567 x33928
Location: E6 4014

Research Interests:

  • Stem cells, nanofabrication and advancement of biomaterials in healthcare technologies to repair, replace or regenerate damaged tissue and organ structures

  • Fabrication and application of nano-structure for biomedical applications in neural, vascular, and cornea tissue engineering

  • ​Biomaterial approach to study ex-vivo pluripotent stem cell expansion

  • Modulation of cell behavior with nanotopography

  • Topography-regulation of stem cells lineage commitment and differentiation

  • Differentiation of adult and pluripotent stem cells with nanotopography

Google Scholar


Link to profile: Evelyn K.F. Yim
Link to personal webpage: Evelyn Yim

Liza-Anastasia DiCecco

Systems Design Engineering, Assistant Professor