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CBB article in Industrial Biotechnology
Engineering honours Dana Kulic and Slim Boumaiza
A 3D printer that builds a new hip with your own cells?
In Memoriam of Professor Emeritus Jeno Scharer

Chronic Disease Prevention Initiative (CDPI) - Spring 2013 Seed Grant Funding Award Recipients
Congratulations to CBB members Drs. K. Bizheva, A. Wong, P. Stolee, K. Grindrod, C. Burns, P. Poupart, J. Tung, S. Safavi-Naeini and M. Marsden and their teams in being awarded seed grant funding from the Propel Centre for Population Health Impact for the Chronic Disease Prevention Initiative (CDPI) competition for Spring 2013.
Biomedical Seminar Series
A message from Professor and Associate Dean of Science, Bernard Duncker:
CBB attends Ontario Personalized Medicine Mission to Asia
CBB has been invited on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade, and Employment Ministry of Research and Innovation to participate in an innovate networking opportunity between Ontario and Asia. Called the "Ontario Personalized Medicine Mission to Asia", the objective of the mission is to develop research and commercialization partnerships and collaborations between Ontario research institutes (like CBB), technology companies and world class research institutes like the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) i
CBB article in Canadian Healthcare Technology

CBB and some of its members will be featured in the upcoming Canadian Healthcare Technology Magazine scheduled to be released mid-September.
Engineering Life-Enhancing Research
Centre members, Murray Moo-Young (right), a distinguished professor emeritus in the chemical engineering department, and Perry Chou, a chemical engineering professor, co-invented a biopharmaceutical drug to treat or prevent autoimmune disease and organ transplant rejection.