WCMS 3 migration remediation training

WCMS 3 migration remediation training

graphic showing three people, system icon and chat bubbleSites migrated to WCMS 3 require a thorough comparison check between the current site and the migrated site as well as remediation of any variances discovered during the comparison check. This workshop will provide the training needed to complete the site migration process and achieve parity between the current live site and the migrated WCMS 3 site.

Training will be facilitated by the WCMS Training and Support team of migration specialists via Teams on Thursdays from 1:30 - 3 p.m. Advance registration is required and the WCMS 3 site migrations remediation training registration form must be completed by the website lead of your department/unit.

This training is specifically for staff and co-op students that will be remediating (correcting known migration issues) after a site has been migrated to WCMS 3.

We recommend that this training be completed as close to your site's migration date as possible. This will ensure that the knowledge gained from this training is current.

Workshop content

  • A demonstration of a side-by-side comparison check of a current WCMS site and a WCMS 3 migrated site
  • Known migration issues and how to make manual corrections
  • How to make accurate remediation notes on the Site Migration Remediation Tracker spreadsheet
  • How to find information, access help and accurately report bugs


Registrants must have access as a site manager to WCMS 3 staging site(s), the associated current WCMS live site and have completed all of the WCMS courses currently available through LEARN:

  • WCMS for Content Maintainers
  • WCMS for Site Managers
  • WCMS 3 Essentials

Remediation documents

Once you have registered for the remediation training, please download the following documents to assist you with the process.

Solutions for known migration issues

Throughout the remediation training, the WCMS Training and Support team will highlight known issues that are important for you to recognize while completing the remediation process.

Please refer to the following how-to documents for detailed solutions on how to remediate known migration issues.