FRTF resource hub: Collaboration

  • In this course, Kelley School of Business professor Dr. Daisy Lovelace highlights the key characteristics of exemplary team members, and how you can adopt these traits to improve your professional performance. 

  • Learn the components of a successful team and the stages of its development. You'll also hone the skills you'll need to effectively manage projects, make decisions, and solve problems in a team setting. 

  • In this highly interactive workshop you will learn how to prevent disruptions by establishing your credibility, defining classroom expectations, and developing rapport with your students.

  • In this course, communications experts Tatiana Kolovou and Brenda Bailey-Hughes show how to assess your current listening skills, understand the challenges to effective listening (such as distractions!), and develop behaviors that will allow you to become a better listener—and a better colleague, mentor, and friend.

  • This course helps people make the transition from team member to team supervisor/manager and enhances their capability to be successful in that role. 

  • How does the power of diversity create better groups/teams? What are the necessary elements to create and sustain a motivating environment? How are diversity and motivation linked? The purpose of this workshop is to explore the factors that fuel motivation, and how to harness them within oneself and others.

  • PD4: Teamwork introduces students to the theory and research underpinning effective teamwork and small-group communication.

  • This course focuses on understanding ourselves and learning specific techniques and strategies that enable us to relate to and engage with others successfully. 

  • With the Team Dimensions Profile®, produced by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., learn to identify the most natural team role for each individual on your team and give them an added appreciation for the contributions of others.