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Gordon Agnew
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Cryptography and data security
- High speed communication networks
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Gordon Agnew
Otman Basir
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Biologically inspired intelligent systems
- Human Computer Interaction (HCI)/Human Machine Interface (HMI) systems
- Hybrid systems
- Intelligent embedded systems
- Sensory systems design
Centre for Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (CPAMI)
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Otman Basir
Slim Boumaiza
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Advanced signal processing algorithms for wireless communication
- Cognitive and software defined radios (CR and SDR)
- Design of high power and spectrum efficient linear radio frequency amplifiers
- Hybrid Radio Frequency and Digital Signal Processing (RF/DSP) design of wireless communication transmitters
- Microwave and millimeter-wave circuits and systems design
- Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) transceiver schemes
- Nonlinear and linear radio frequency (RF) circuits and systems characterization and behavioural modeling
- Power amplifier and transmitter linearization techniques (Baseband and RF Digital Predistortion, Feed-forward)
- RF integrated circuits (CMOS)
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Slim Boumaiza
Jeff Casello
Professor, School of Planning
Research Expertise
- Application of geographic information systems (GIS) to urban area analysis
- Design and operation of public transportation systems, highway systems, and facilities for non-motorized modes of transport
- Development and implementation of utility-based multi-modal travel forecasting models
- Transportation and land use impacts
- Urban transportation systems
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Jeff Casello
Krzysztof Czarnecki
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Embedded systems and software
- Generative programming and model-based software development
- Software design
- Software system families and product lines
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Krzysztof Czarnecki
Oussama Damen
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Coding Theory
- Cross-layer optimization
- Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) and space-time communications
- Multiuser detection
- Wireless communications
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Oussama Damen
Sebastian Fischmeister
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Distributed Embedded Real-Time Systems
- Real-Time Safety Critical Software
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Sebastian Fischmeister
Vincent Gaudet
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Advanced Hardware Architectures
- Baseband communication circuits and algorithms
- Energy-efficient circuits and systems
- Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) signal processing
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Vincent Gaudet
Guang Gong
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Cryptographic primitives
- Multimedia communication security
- Network and ad hoc network security
- Sequence design for wireless Code Division Mutilpe Access (CDMA) communications
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Guang Gong
Pin-Han Ho
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Broadband wired and wireless communication networks
- Coded video multicasting, Medium Access Control (MAC) layer scheduling and performance analysis
- Cross-layer design in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.16 networks
- Integration of fiber and wireless communication systems (FiWi)
- Relay placement on cooperative communications and survivable routing for high availability design
- Secure and privacy-preserving vehicular communications
- Wireless network security
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Pin-Han Ho
Amir Khandani
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Channel coding and transmission for fading environments
- Channel coding with an emphasis on Turbo-codes
- Coding and interference cancellation for Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) systems
- Constellation design and implementation for multi-level modulation over band-limited channels
- Cooperative networking
- Digital/Wireless Communications
- Information Theory with an emphasis on networks
- Multiple-access, multiple antenna systems
- Receiver structure for fading channels
- Soft decision/soft output decoding of binary codes
- Structure of lattices with applications in digital communications
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Amir Khandani
Bosco Leung
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Design of mixed analog/digital circuits for wireless communication
- Phase noise of oscillators, mixer noise and mixer distortion analysis
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Bosco Leung
Patrick Mitran
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Coding theory
- Cooperative and cognitive networks
- Information theory
- Statistical signal processing
- Wireless communications
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Patrick Mitran
Krshirasagar Naik
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Energy-cost modelling of wireless applications
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Low power software and communication protocols
- Mobile and ad hoc networks
- Mobile communication and computing
- Optical networks
- Testing communication protocols
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Krshirasagar Naik
Omar Ramahi
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Biomedical Applications of electromagnetics
- Electromagnetic compatibility and interference
- Electromagnetic propagation mechanisms
- Electronic packaging
- Material measurements
- Photonics
- Radiating systems, theoretical and computational electromagnetics
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Omar Ramahi
Catherine Rosenberg
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Broadband networks: Internet protocol (IP), Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), and Multiprotocol label switching (MPLS)
- Cellular networks: cross-layer integration, resource management, mobility and power management, opportunistic scheduling
- Multimedia applications: Content delivery network (CDN), peer-to-peer, and location-based services
- Network security: Distributed denial of services (DDOS), traffic monitoring
- Traffic engineering: quality of service, game theory and pricing, dynamic provisioning, network design, routing, congestion control, scheduling
- Wireless networks: sensors and Wireless local area networks (WLANs)
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Catherine Rosenberg
Safieddin Safavi-Naeini
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Complex propogation and scattering phenomena
- Computational electromagnetics and photonics
- Devices and novel electromagnetic materials
- Guided-wave and free space optical systems and components
- Intelligent Navigation Systems
- Microwave and millimeter wave planar circuits and antenna systems
- Microwave high temperature superconductor (HTSC) thin film technology
- Radio frequency (RF)/microwave packaging and Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)/Electromagnetic interface (EMI) analyses
- RF/microwave/millimeter wave/Terahertz (THz) systems
- Vehicle wireless communications and safety systems
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Safieddin Safavi-Naeini
George Shaker
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- RF/microwave/millimeter wave/Terahertz (THz) circuits and antenna systems
- Radio frequency (RF)/microwave packaging and Electromagnetic compatibility
- (EMC)/Electromagnetic interface (EMI) analyses
- Vehicle and UAV wireless communications, navigation systems, and telematics systems
- Bio-wearable electronics and systems
- Energy harvesting systems
- Complex propagation and scattering phenomena
- Devices and novel electromagnetic materials and wireless sensors
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George Shaker
Xuemin (Sherman) Shen
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Radio resource and mobility management
- Voice over mobile Internet protocol (IP)
- Wireless ad hoc and sensor networks
- Wireless network security
- Wireless/Internet interworking
- Wireless local area network (WLAN)/Worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX), Wireless application protocol (WAP), Ultra-wide band (UWB) wireless communications
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Xuemin (Sherman) Shen
Mahesh Tripunitara
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Authorization systems
- Information security
- Network security technologies, in particular wireless technology
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Mahesh Tripunitara
David Wang
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Automated mechatronics design
- Flexible link manipulators
- Haptics
- Nonlinear control
- Robot manipulators
- Telehaptics
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David Wang
Weihua Zhuang
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
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Weihua Zhuang