Tips for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs, part one

Tuesday, September 26, 2023
by Conrad School faculty

Interested in becoming an entrepreneur? Already an entrepreneur?

It's not an easy journey. But to make it (slightly) easier, our faculty are here to impart their wisdom, one piece of advice at a time. They're academics studying entrepreneurship, but they're also entrepreneurs themselves.

Here are the top tips from seasoned veterans in the renowned Waterloo innovation ecosystem that can help you along your entrepreneurial path.

Read part two now!

Goose and goslings next to a pond

Always think...

  1. it is possible?
  2. before you take action.
  3. about the real lasting difference you could make when you prioritize what aligns with your passion, strengths, and values.
  4. differently.
  5. twice before approaching a goose on campus...
Students working on their projects individually in the library

Be open to...

  1. being a fish out of water where you bring a totally different perspective. That's where the magic happens.
  2. change.
  3. exploring the unknown, even while trembling.
  4. new adventures and spontaneous dance parties!
  5. spotting the real problem, not the one you think you are solving.
Paths diverging into three on campus

Prepare for...

  1. hearing the word "no" a lot and accepting that this is the second best outcome in most cases.
  2. curveballs in life. When this happens, lean on people!
  3. the best ride of your life.
  4. tomorrow.
A professor and two Waterloo students working on a problem

Always remember to...

  1. dismiss an intrusive voice in your head that could steal your joy.
  2. show gratitude towards others.
  3. give credit for success to your team.
  4. treat everyone, from the most junior intern to the CEO, with the same level of respect.