Hot on the heels on of their initial $29 million (USD) Series C funding announcement for Otto Motors, a division of Clearpath Robotics, this stellar example of Waterloo-entrepreneurship has announced an additional $6.6 million (USD) extension to their historic funding round. Here at the Conrad School, we are particularly #WaterlooProud of Co-founder Matt Rendall who is both a Master of Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology (MBET, Class of 2009) and Waterloo Engineering alumni. Matt worked on Clearpath Robotics while completing the MBET and he continues to lead the company as Clearpath's CEO.

"Clearpath Robotics is the brainchild of four University of Waterloo Mechatronics Engineering grads. With passion, ethics, and limited funds, Matthew Rendall, Ryan Gariepy, Pat Martinson and Bryan Webb created a company dedicated to automating the world’s dullest, dirtiest, and deadliest jobs."
The Clearpath venture and team are also graduates of the award-winning Accelerator Centre which was recently recognized by UBI Global as one of the Top 5 private business accelerators in the world. You can learn more about this recent funding round from on the Accelerator Centre's website.