Meet the spring 2021 Enterprise Co-op pitch winners

Friday, July 16, 2021

This spring term, Enterprise Co-op students submitted five-minute video pitches for prizes of $5,000 at the Ignition Week pitch competition. Each student video pitch was evaluated by a panel of judges. Meet the spring 2021 pitch winners!

E-Launch Awards

The E-Launch Awards are awarded to the winners of a pitch competition among non-engineering students in the E Co-op program. Up to five scholarships of $5,000 are awarded each term.

Carson Webb

Carson Webb, Alt Creative Co

Arts and Business

Alt Creative Co is a media production company that specializes in the creation of quality video and photography content that helps small businesses pierce through the competition and reach their customers in a unique and engaging way. Alt Creative Co works with businesses, events, and brands to help them create undeniable content that their customers will see, enjoy, and learn from.

Andrew Collard

Andrew Collard, Legends E-Sports

Sports and Business

Legends E-Sports strives to provide amateur gamers with a more organized, competitive and unique experience through paid tournaments and leagues with large prize pools.

Norman Esch Enterprise Co-op Awards

The Norman Esch Enterprise Co-op Awards are available to students in Engineering. There are four winners this term:

Arian Simone

Adrian Simone, Microbuild

Civil Engineering

MicroBuild is a biotech company focusing on reinventing the construction industry through the development of 100% sustainable masonry supplies. Using recycled materials and natural processes, all products are made without releasing any emissions or the need for energy. MicroBuild hopes to improve an industry that has been stagnant for 100 years and bring it to the 21st century.

Danilo Joksimovic

Danilo Joksimovic, Scena 360

Software Engineering

Scena 360 is a 3D gathering space on the web that lets people walk in and out of conversations just as they would in real life. They are making meeting up and networking online less awkward and draining, while also making gatherings more realistic, secure and delightful.

Andy Xu

Andy Xu, Sitescope

Architectural Engineering

SiteScope uses artificial intelligence and computer vision to enhance safety in construction with hard hat detection. The software monitors through on-site cameras and alerts with the mobile app when a hard hat isn't being worn. SiteScope's goal is to make construction sites safer for everyone by preventing safety violations and potential injuries.

Dhruv Patel

Dhruv Patel, Aftersell   

Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

AfterSell is a software application that helps eCommerce store owners maximize their average order value while improving their customer experience. Their current product does this by implementing personalized post-purchase offers. AfterSell is on a mission to help millions of eCommerce merchants build successful and profitable online businesses.