Shavin Malhotra

Shavin Malhotra, BSc, MBA, PhD, is a Professor of Strategy and the Conrad Research Excellence Chair at the Conrad School of Entrepreneurship and Business. Shavin’s research interests span four domains: leadership, corporate strategy, international business, and entrepreneurship. He often draws from different fields such as management, economics, finance, and psychology to ground and develop his studies. His work has appeared in top management journals such as Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Management and Human Resource Management. His research has also featured in the Harvard Business Review and the Wall Street Journal. In his earlier roles, he was an Associate Professor at the Ted Rogers School of Management and the Co-director at the International Research Institute. Shavin received his PhD from Carleton University and his MBA from Panjab University. He teaches BET 601 - Strategically Managing the Entrepreneurial Organization and BET - 320 Introduction to Commercialization Management.
Research Interests
- Corporate strategy
- International business
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Role of heuristics and personality in strategic decision-making
- BE 620 - Business Strategy
- Taught in 2023
- BET 601 - Strategically Managing the Entrepreneurial Organization
- Taught in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
- BET 704 - Business Research Methods
- Taught in 2024
* Only courses taught in the past 5 years are displayed.
Selected/Recent Publications
- Harrison, J. & Malhotra, S. (2023).Complementarity in the CEO-CFO Interface: The joint influence of CEO and CFO personality and structural power on firm financial leverage The Leadership Quarterly, Forthcoming.
- Boekhorst, J., Basir. N. & Malhotra, S. (2022). Star light, but why not so bright? A process model of how incumbents influence star newcomer performance. Academy of Management Review, Forthcoming.
- Malhotra, S. & Harrison, J. (2022). A Blessing and a Curse: How CEO cognitive complexity influences firm performance Under varying industry conditions. Strategic Management Journal, 43, 2809-2828.
- Zhu, K., Malhotra, S. & Li, Y. (2022). Technological diversity of patent applications and decision pendency. Research Policy, 51 (1).
- Malhotra, S., Shen, W., & Zhu, P. (2021). A vicious cycle of symbolic tokenism: The gendered effects of external board memberships on chief executive officer compensation. Human Resource Management, 60 (4), 617-639.
- Morgan, H., Sui, S., & Malhotra, S (equal authorship) (2021). No place like home: The effect of exporting to country of origin on the financial performance of immigrant-owned SMEs. Journal of International Business Studies, 52, 504-524.
- Sui, S., Matthias, B., & Malhotra, S (equal authorship) (2019). How home peer firms affect exit of small firms in export markets: Evidence from Canadian exporters. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 43 (5), 1018-1045.
- Malhotra, S., Reus, T., Zhu, P., & Roelofsen. E. (2018).The acquisitive nature of extraverted CEOs. Administrative Science Quarterly, 63 (2), 370-408.
- Malhotra, S., Morgan, H., & Zhu, P. (2018). Sticky decisions: Anchoring and equity stakes in international acquisitions. Journal of Management, 44 (8), 3200-3230.
- Malhotra, S., Zhu, P., & Reus, T. (2015) Anchoring on the acquisition premium decisions of others. Strategic Management Journal, 36 (12), 1866-1876.
In The News
Graduate studies
- Currently considering applications from graduate students. A completed online application is required for admission; start the application process now.
- Has Sole-Supervisory Privilege Status (SSPS) status