Computer Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering Options

For an electrical engineer taking both the computer engineering and mechatronics, it is possible to complete this with five additional courses.  This could be accomplished by taking one additional non-degree Academic Term (for which you will be paying the same tuition as any other Academic Term).  The best option is to take this non-degree term is the Spring Term immediately following 4B.  In the Spring Term, all 2B, 3A and 4A ECE courses are offered including ECE 254 Operating Systems and Systems Programming, ECE 351 Compilers, and ECE 327 Digital Hardware Systems as well as the NSE ECE 403 Thermal Physics.  Currently, ME 321 Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines is offered in the Spring Term, but none of the Level-3 Mechanical Systems courses are offered.  Currently, the courses ECE 463, ECE 481, ECE 457A are also offered in the Spring Calendar Term and they satisfy three of the other Level-3 requirements of the Mechatronics Option.  ECE 457A Cooperative and Adaptive Algorithmsmay may count as a technical elective as well as toward both the Computer Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering Options.

If you are a student has completed or nearly completed these options and would like to comment about scheduling your courses, work load, prerequisites you may have gotten waived, applications of the option, how it relates to the Electrical Engineering Program, etc., please contact the Webkeeper.