Candidate: Dario Peralta Moarry
Title: Ground Source Heat Pump Modeling, Operation, and Participation in Electricity Markets
Date: December 8, 2020
Time: 11:00 AM
Supervisor(s): Bhattacharya, Kankar - Canizares, Claudio
Over the last decades, Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) systems have grown in popularity and acceptance worldwide, having the potential to bring about significant benefits, especially if these systems participate in electricity markets through a load aggregator to optimize their operations and provide services such as load shifting and demand reduction, as proposed here. In this context, GSHP systems can be considered as an economically viable and attractive alternative to existing Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems for space heating/cooling in buildings and houses from an aggregator point of view. Hence, this work presents a detailed mathematical model for a GSHP with a vertical U-pipe Ground Heat eXchanger (GHX) configuration to provide residential space heating/cooling, integrating several such GSHPs into a load aggregator model. Then, a two-stage operational strategy for the GSHP price-taker aggregator participating in day-ahead and real-time electricity markets is proposed, to determine the optimal annual heating/cooling load dispatch to control the temperatures for a community of houses that minimizes the aggregator's cost. Detailed numerical studies and comparisons with HVAC systems are carried out to demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of the proposed aggregated operation of GSHP in electricity markets.