MASc seminar - Hatem Sindi
Hatem Sindi
Unified Reliability Index Development
Hatem Sindi
Unified Reliability Index Development
Nabil Drawil
Task-Driven Integrity Assessment and Control for Hybrid Vehicle Localization Systems
Aayush Prakash
An Instruction Scratchpad Memory Allocation for the Precision Timed Architecture
John Farid Hanna Saad
Interactive Real Time Deep Brain Stimulation System
Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is a developing therapeutic technique with a high potential to control and treat central nervous system diseases through neuromodulation. DBS utilizes through implanted electrodes inserted in the targeted brain structure. Being an emerging technology; neuromodulation introduces many challenges that are not yet comprehensively identified, characterized and resolved.
Chen Liu
R2Fix: Automatically Generating Bug Fixes from Bug Reports
Saud Wasly
A Dynamic Scratchpad Memory Unit for Predictable Real-Time Embedded Systems
Marko Novakovic
Language Evolution to Reduce Code Cloning
Babak Mamandipoor
Capacity-Achieving Distributions of Gaussian Multiple Access Channel With Peak Constraints
Monsef Tahir
Intelligent Condition Assessment of Power Transformer Based on Data Mining Techniques
Hojat Alah Abdolanezhad
Optimal Signaling and Labeling for Constellation-Constrained Communication Systems