MASc seminar - Mortaja Alqassab
Mortaja Alqassab
Human Performance and Cognitive Workload in Haptic, Audio and Visual Environments
David Wang
Mortaja Alqassab
Human Performance and Cognitive Workload in Haptic, Audio and Visual Environments
David Wang
Luca Scardovi, The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto
From Synchronization Analysis to Synchronization Control of Cellular Networks
Dr. James Forbes, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan, United States
Estimation and Control on the Special Orthogonal Group of Rigid-Body Rotations
Rajan Joshua Gill
Robust Spline Path Following for Redundant Mechanical Systems
Dana Kulic and Christopher Nielsen
Mohammadreza Memarian
Novel Finger-like Soft Pneumatic Actuators for Affective Movement
Dana Kulic and Robert Gorbet (Knowledge Integration)
Professor Brett H. Meyer, McGill University, Canada
Managing Multicore Power Integrity and Voltage Noise via Walking Pads C4 Placement
Dr. Amany El Gouharyl
An analysis of phase noise in transformer-based dual-tank oscillators
Pengyu Zhao
Collaborative Real-Time Interactive Billboard Networks
Pin-Han Ho
Prashant Doshi, Associate Professor, University of Georgia, on leave at the Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo
Generalizing Inverse Reinforcement Learning for the Real World
Ameena Saad Sultan S. Alsumaiti
Power Generation Shortage in Developing Countries: Restrictions, Challenges and Proposed Solutions
Magdy Salama