University Research Chairs

The University of Waterloo owes much of its reputation and stature to the quality of its professors and their scholarly accomplishments. Waterloo recognizes exceptional achievement and pre-eminence in a particular field of knowledge through the designation 'University Research Chair'.

University Research Chair
A faculty member with the University Research Chair title will receive either an annual stipend of $10,000 or a teaching reduction of one course per year, allocated to the Department/School, for the duration of the Chair appointment. The University Research Chair title and benefits will be relinquished if a Canada Research Chair or other major research chair is awarded. At most 5 appointments will be made each year. A title may be held for up to seven (7) years, with the possibility of a re-nomination.

The selection process is as follows:

  1. A faculty Dean may forward one [Environmental Studies, Health] or two [Arts, Engineering, Mathematics, Science] nominations of CRC-eligible faculty members to the Vice-President Academic & Provost, who will make the final decision.
  2. A nomination must be accompanied by a curriculum vitae and short, non-technical description of the nominee's scholarly contributions, together with any other documentation the Dean considers necessary to make a compelling case. The Vice-President Academic & Provost will consult with the President of the Faculty Association before announcing such appointments.

University Research Chair in recognition of exemplary trajectory after the second term of a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair
A faculty member at the conclusion of the second term as a Tier I Canada Research Chair may also be considered for a University Research Chair. The award recognizes distinguished record of accomplishments and a continued outstanding trajectory of excellence in research and scholarship, as well as research leadership. The successful candidate will receive either an annual stipend of $10,000 or an increase in research workload equivalent to workload associated with teaching one course per year, for the duration of the University Research Chair appointment, with this support provided by the faculty Dean. The University Research Chair title may be held for up to seven (7) years, and is not renewable.

The selection process is as follows:

  1. A faculty Dean may forward nominations for individuals to the Vice-President Research, who will make the final decision.
  2. A nomination must be accompanied by a curriculum vitae and short, non-technical description of the nominee's scholarly contributions, together with any other documentation the Dean considers necessary to make a compelling case of exceptional achievement over the term of the Tier 1 Canada Research Chairship as well as an accelerated trajectory in the final years of the Chairship.

Current University Research Chairs

Name Department

Year awarded

Aziz, Hany Electrical & Computer Engineering 2020
Ben-David, Shai School of Computer Science 2020
Bhattacharya, Kankar Electrical & Computer Engineering 2021
Blowes, David * Earth & Environmental Sciences 2023
Boutaba, Raouf School of Computer Science 2018
Brouwer, Roy Economics 2018
Campbell, Sue Ann Applied Mathematics 2021
Clausi, David Systems Design Engineering 2024
Cooper, Andrew Political Science 2020
Czarnecki, Krzysztof Electrical & Computer Engineering 2023
Doxey, Andrew Biology 2020
Dupuis, Sherry Recreation & Leisure Studies 2021
Elliot, Susan Geography & Environmental Management 2020
Garrick, Dustin School of Environment, Resources & Sustainability 2022
Haas, Carl * Civil & Environmental Engineering 2019
Hammond, David School of Public Health Sciences 2019
Haxell, Penny Combinatorics & Optimization 2020
Helleiner, Eric Political Science 2021
Ilcan, Suzan Sociology & Legal Studies 2022
Jahed, Hamid Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering 2021
Jarvie, Helen Geography & Environmental Management 2024
Kennedy, Matthew Pure Mathematics 2019
Kirkpatrick, Sharon School of Public Health Sciences 2023
Klinkova, Anna Chemistry 2024
Larson, Kate School of Computer Science 2019
Lau, Lap Chi School of Computer Science 2023
Leatherdale, Scott School of Public Health Sciences 2019
Leonenko, Zoya Physics & Astronomy 2020
Ma, Bin School of Computer Science 2021
Maly, Monica Kinesiology & Health Sciences 2022
Mazumdar, Ravi Electrical & Computer Engineering 2021
Melek, William Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering 2020
Mourtzakis, Marina Kinesiology & Health Sciences  2024
Muschik, Christine Physics & Astronomy 2022
Nacke, Lennart Stratford School of Interaction Design and Business 2024
Namachchivaya, Sri Applied Mathematics 2019
Neufeld, Josh Biology 2019
O'Gorman, Marcel English Language & Literature 2017, 2024
Polak, Marianna Civil & Environmental Engineering 2019
Ptacek, Carol Earth & Environmental Sciences 2019
Schied, Alexander Statistics & Actuarial Science 2020
Schmenk, Barbara Germanic & Slavic Studies 2018
Scott, Daniel Geography & Environmental Management 2021
Siemerling, Winfried English Language & Literature 2020
Singh, Simron School of Environment, Enterprise & Development 2023
Slofstra, William Pure Mathematics 2022
Swamy, Chaitanya Combinatorics & Optimization 2022
Tam, Michael Chemical Engineering 2018
Tesfamariam, Solomon Civil & Environmental Engineering 2023
Thompson, Ben Optometry & Vision Science 2022
Wang, Ruodu Statistics & Actuarial Science 2018
Weber, Olaf School of Environment, Enterprise & Development 2018
Welch, David Political Science 2019
Worswick, Michael * Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering 2018
Yakymchuk, Chris Earth & Environmental Sciences 2023
Yeow, John Systems & Design Engineering 2019
Yim, Evelyn Chemical Engineering 2022
Yu, Aiping Chemical Engineering 2022
Zhu, Mu Statistics & Actuarial Science 2024

* University Research Chair in recognition of exemplary trajectory after the second term of a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair

Former University Research Chairs

Name Department

Year awarded

Basu, Nandita Civil & Environmental Engineering 2019
Bauch, Chris Applied Mathematics 2013
Bell, Jason Pure Mathematics 2013
Bernard, Carole Statistics & Actuarial Science 2009
Blight, James History 2019
Campbell, Melanie Physics & Astronomy 2004
Chan, Timothy School of Computer Science 2005
Chen, Jeff Physics & Astronomy 2016
Chen, Pu Chemical Engineering 2015
Coleman, Thomas Combinatorics & Optimization 2010
Cronin, Duane Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering 2016
Culham, Richard Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering 2010
Cunningham, Bill Combinatorics & Optimization 2004
de Loe, Robert Environment & Resource Studies 2008
Duguay, Claude Geography & Environmental Management 2015
English, John History 2005
Feng, Xianshe Chemical Engineering 2016
Forrest, James Physics & Astronomy 2010
Geelen, James Combinatorics & Optimization 2014
Goldberg, Ian School of Computer Science 2012
Gong, Guang Electrical & Computer Engineering 2017
Holmes, John Psychology 2004
Homer-Dixon, Thomas Faculty of Environment 2019
Horton, Sue Economics, School of Public Health Sciences 2019
Huck, Peter Civil Engineering 2003
Hughson, Richard Kinesiology 2004
Irving, Elizabeth School of Optometry & Vision Science 2012
Jayaram, Shesha Electrical & Computer Engineering 2012
Jones, Lyndon School of Optometry & Vision Science 2012
Kamel, Mohamed Electrical & Computer Engineering 2008
Kari, Lila School of Computer Science 2015
Karray, Fakhreddine Electrical & Computer Engineering 2011, 2018
Kempf, Achim Applied Mathematics 2014
Kuzniar, Alice Germanic & Slavic Studies 2017
LeDrew, Ellsworth Geography & Environmental Management 2004
Leung, Debbie Combinatorics & Optimization 2015
Li, Xianguo Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering 2014
Liu, Juewen Chemistry  2017
Long, John Electrical & Computer Engineering 2015
Lu, Qing-Bin Physics & Astronomy 2014
Ma, Bin School of Computer Science 2008
Matsen, Mark Chemical Engineering 2014
Maxwell, Colleen School of Pharmacy 2017
Mazumdar, Ravi Electrical & Computer Engineering 2005, 2013
McIlroy, Bill Kinesiology 2011
McNamara, Brian Physics & Astronomy 2008, 2015
Meiering, Elizabeth Chemistry 2005
Mitchinson, Wendy History 2004-2006
Mosca, Michele Combinatorics & Optimization 2012
Ng, Flora Chemical Engineering 2006
Oakley, Richard Chemistry 2010
Ozsu, Tamer School of Computer Science 2004
Rosenberg, Catherine Electrical & Computer Engineering 2004
Roy, Pierre-Nicholas Chemistry 2008
Sachdev, Manoj Electrical & Computer Engineering 2008
Salama, Magdy Electrical & Computer Engineering 2004
Schiff, Sherry Earth & Environmental Sciences 2007
Scott, Daniel  Geography & Environmental Management 2014
Shen, Sherman Electrical & Computer Engineering 2007
Sivaloganathan, Sivabal Applied Mathematics 2011
Soares, Joao Chemical Engineering 2012
Stinson, Doug School of Computer Science 2005
Swanson, Heidi Biology 2015
Szeman, Imre Drama & Speech Communication 2018
Tam, Michael Chemical Engineering 2011
Tan, Ken Seng Statistics & Actuarial Science 2010
Thagard, Paul Philosophy 2005
Toyserkani, Ehsan Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering 2015
Vavasis, Stephen Combinatorics & Optimization 2006
Vijayan, Matt Biology 2004
Wang, Zhou Electrical & Computer Engineering 2017
Westley, Frances School of Environment, Enterprise & Development 2007
Wirjanto, Tony School of Accounting & Finance 2009
Yi, Grace Statistics & Actuarial Science 2011
Zhou, Norman Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering 2013