Request for Open Enrolment

Use this form to submit a request for open enrolment.

Before enrolling, read these important notes:

  • Current University of Waterloo students are not eligible to register for courses through open enrolment.
  • These courses become part of a permanent academic record. You are responsible for following all academic and financial deadlines, as well as academic regulations.
  • If you are a current high school student, be aware that performance in these courses may affect your application to university studies.

Application deadline for fall 2024: Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at 4 p.m. ET.

Information and privacy: questions regarding the collection of information on this form can be directed to the form administrator.

Personal information
Date of birth * (required)
Contact information
No hyphens. E.g., 5198884567
Provide the name of the institution when you most recently studied.
If you are currently pursuing studies at another post-secondary institution, provide us with the institution's name.
If you have ever taken a University of Waterloo course or applied to the University of Waterloo, indicate your student number (8 digits).
If you have ever attended an Ontario educational institution, indicate your OEN number.
Course options - fall 2024 * (required)

Course fees

View the undergraduate tuition fee schedules on the Finance website for the most accurate and up-to-date information about course fees.

Acknowledgments * (required)
Indicate you have read and understood the statements below by checking each box.