The Master of Climate Change (MCC) program is a specialized, course-based (non-thesis) graduate program which is normally completed on a full-time basis over the course of one year (three terms). The program was first launched in 2013 and has attracted students from around the world who have brought a diversity of professional experience and educational backgrounds to their studies in climate change. The program prepares graduates for professional practice in diverse careers related to climate change in government, civil society, business and local/international development. The ultimate goal of the program is to train graduates who understand the complex, interdisciplinary scientific, socioeconomic, technological and institutional issues associated with a transition to a low carbon economy and climate resilient adaptation.
Students take the following three mandatory core courses:
- GEMCC 601 Climate Change: Physical Science Basis
- GEMCC 602 Climate Change: Vulnerability and Adaptation
- GEMCC 603 Climate Change: Mitigation
The core courses relate directly to the three Working Groups of the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): climate change science; vulnerability, impacts and adaptation; and mitigation (greenhouse gas emission reduction and carbon sequestration).
Experiential learning is a foundation of academic programs at the University of Waterloo and the internship stream of the MCC program provides academic credit for a practical learning experience.
Important information to note:
- The internship has to have sufficient climate change focus in order for it to be approved as a climate change internship.
- The internship is required to be a minimum of four-months in length and full-time equivalent.
- The MCC is an approved program under the Post-Secondary Co-operative Education and Internship Program by the federal Public Service Commission:
- It is recommended that the internship be completed during the final term (May – August) in order to ensure students have a strong foundation in climate change matters gained from previous coursework. However, it is possible for a student to take on an internship position in the Winter term (January – April) after they have completed the three core courses.
- Given that the MCC internship is most often completed as the final stage of the student’s degree, the requirement that a student be “returning to full-time academic study” presents a challenge if the manager is hiring through the Federal Student Work Experience Program (FSWEP) program. If hiring for the Winter term, this will not be an issue.
How to Hire an MCC Intern:
- Prepare a job advertisement including the position description, qualifications required, and application deadline.
- Submit your job advertisement to the MCC Internship Advisor, Zac Mercer (
- You will be contacted regarding next steps.