Co-op requirements

The cooperative work terms provide additional practical experience for those strongly oriented towards future careers and enables them to enter the professional practice directly.

Students must complete a minimum of four out of five scheduled work terms. Students who successfully complete their work terms will have a milestone coded on their academic record. The first work term occurs in the Winter of their second year.

Co-op students in the Faculty of Environment are required to complete a minimum of four Professional Development (PD) courses, including an introductory course (PD1) which is a combination of résumé writing and work search process information. PD1 must be taken prior to the first work term. PD12 is completed during the first work term placement. Other than PD1, these courses are normally taken during co-op work terms. Students are encouraged to take a PD course each work term until the requirement is met. All co-op students must take PD1 and PD12 and 2 PD electives.

To be eligible to continue in the Department of Geography and Environmental Management Honours Co-op plans, students must obtain a minimum cumulative overall average of 65%, and 70% in their major average (GEOG and ENVS courses) and Geomatics and Climate and Environmental Change require a special major average of 60% throughout their academic plan.

For questions regarding the administration of work reports, please contact the Geography and Environmental Management Advisor/Geomatics Advisor, Crystal Vong or the Geography & Aviation, Sophie Dallaire.

Last updated March 14, 2023.