Earth Systems Science

GEM professors who conduct research in this area include:

  • Christine Dow:
    • Glacier hydrology and ice dynamics using methods including numerical modeling and insitu data collection
    • Ice sheets and valley glaciers
    • Assessing the impact of a warming climate on global ice masses
  • Claude Duguay:
    • Extraction of geophysical parameters from optical and microwave imagery
    • Development and improvement of numerical ice growth and heat transfer models
    • Climate variability and change using lake ice and snow as indicators
  • Chris Fletcher:
    • Climate modelling, impact of climate change on atmospheric circulation patterns over Canada, the U.S. and Europe, on timescales ranging from seasons to decades.
  • Grant Gunn
    • Remote sensing of freshwater ice (optical, active/passive microwave), high performance computing and cloud computing
    • Ground, airborne and spaceborne sensors (new technology - sensor constellations)
    • Tracking and physical variable retrieval   within the Cryosphere using new technology and techniques.
  • Richard Kelly:
    • Remote sensing of the cryosphere, especially snow and ice environments, using ground, aircraft and satellite earth observation data.
  • Ellsworth LeDrew:
    • Atmosphere-cryosphere-hydrosphere feedback processes in the Canadian Arctic
    • Study of climate variability and the impact on tropical corals
    • Change detection of sea ice from radar imagery
    • The use of satellite imagery in global change studies
    • Validation of geophysical indices on radar imagery
  • Yuri Leonenko:
    • Global warming
    • Climate control
    • Development of technologies for greenhouse gas reduction
  • Merrin Macrae:
    • Biogeochemical cycling in natural and impacted systems (agriculture, wetlands, forest) under variable climatic regimes and following disturbance or land use change.
  • Richard Petrone:
    • Developing a further understanding of soil – vegetation – atmosphere interactions, especially as influenced by hydrologic and climatic conditions.
  • Jonathan Price:
    • Hydrology and hydrogeology of coastal, maritime and boreal peatlands
    • Peatland restoration
  • Mike Stone:
    • Sediment/water interactions
    • River ecology and restoration
    • Drainage basin hydrology
  • Maria Strack:
    • Interactions between ecology, hydrology, biogeochemistry and soil properties in wetland ecosystems. In particular, feedbacks between wetlands and climate by investigating controls on peatland greenhouse gas exchange in natural, disturbed and restored ecosystems.
  • Wesley Van Wychen:
    • Remote Sensing of glaciers and sea ice

    • Remote sensing of oceans (oil spills and currents)

    • Climate Data Rescue

    • Data stewardship of environmental data