Master of Climate Change Electives

Students are able to tailor their program of study based on their individual interests by choosing two designated climate change electives and two open electives.

The following courses cannot be used as designated climate change elective options:

  • GEMCC 600 Fundamentals of Climate Change - Master of Climate Change students are not eligible to enroll in GEMCC 600 as this course is a summary of the material taught in the three core courses; it was designed as a foundational course for the Graduate Diploma in Climate Risk Management
  • GEMCC 601 Climate Change: Physical Science Basis - core course; not eligible as an elective option
  • GEMCC 602 Climate Change: Vulnerability and Adaptation - core course; not eligible as an elective option
  • GEMCC 603 Climate Change: Mitigation - core course; not eligible as an elective option
  • GEMCC 605 Climate Change and Society - Master of Climate Change students are not eligible to enroll in GEMCC 605 as this course is a summary of the material taught in the three core courses; it was designed as a foundational course for the Graduate Diploma in Climate Change

Graduate Schedule of Classes

The Graduate Schedule of Classes can be found here:

  • set the schedule to the term that you interested in
  • click on a subject code in the Subject (one must be selected) section
  • type all or part of the course number you are looking for, or, leave the box for the course number blank to view all course within a subject code
  • click on Search

Course Outlines

Course outlines are generally provided by the instructor on the first day of class.

Course outlines from previous years are stored here:

Centre for Extended Learning course outlines (courses offered online only) can be found here:

  • In the Subject drop down menu choose: Geography and Environmental Mgmt, Climate Change (GEMCC)
  • Click on SUBMIT
  • Click on the course you are interested in
  • Scroll down and beside Course Work and Exam you will find a link to the most current version of the course outline.

Designated Climate Change Electives

  • GEMCC courses

            as noted above: GEMCC 600, GEMCC 601, GEMCC 602, GEMCC 603,

            and GEMCC 605 are not eligible as designated climate change elective options

  • GEOG 669 / ERS 619 / INDEV 606 Energy Sustainability
  • GEMCC 675 Reading Course
    • Reading Courses are generally set up between one student and one professor. To set up a designated climate change elective such as this, the student contacts a professor to determine if they would be willing to do a Reading Course on a specific climate change topic. The student then works with the professor to fill out a course contract that outlines the course description and the course deliverables. GEMCC 675 Reading Course Contract must be approved by the MCC Program Director to ensure they have sufficient climate change focus. Students can obtain a GEMCC 675 Reading Course Contract from the MCC Graduate Program Administrator. Only one one-to-one reading course (GEMCC 675 or GEOG 675) can be used towards degree requirements.

Note: not all courses will be offered every academic year.

Please consult the Graduate Schedule of Classes in order to determine course availability:

Open Electives

Each open elective must be a graduate level course (0.50 units) and can be chosen from:

  • the designated climate change electives list
  • partnering graduate programs within the Faculty of Environment (that are willing to allow the student to enroll in a course)
  • graduate programs offered by other faculties (that are willing to allow the student to enroll in a course)
  • GEOG 675 Reading Course
    • Geography Reading Courses are generally set up between one student and one professor. To set up an open elective such as this, the student contacts a professor to determine if they would be willing to do a Reading Course on a specific topic. The student then works with the professor to fill out a course contract that outlines the course description and the course deliverables. Students can obtain a GEOG 675 Geography Reading Course Contract from the MCC Graduate Program Administrator. Only one one-to-one reading course (GEMCC 675 or GEOG 675) can be used towards degree requirements.

Partnering programs within the Faculty of Environment are Geography and Environmental Management (GEM), the School of Environmental Resource Studies (SERS), the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED), the School of Planning, and Knowledge and Integration (KI).

  • GEM subjects are listed as GEOG and GEMCC
  • SERS subjects are listed as ERS
  • SEED subjects are listed as ENBUS, INDEV, ECDEV and SUSM
  • School of Planning subjects are listed as PLAN
  • KI subjects are listed as INTEG

Please consult the Graduate Schedule of Classes in order to determine course availability:

Enrolling in courses that have the notation 'offered at WLU'

Enrolling in courses that have the notation 'offered at WLU’ requires you to enrol at UW and at WLU:

  • Contact the MCC Graduate Program Coordinator and Advisor for a permission number; enrol in the course at UW via Quest.
  • Enrol in the course at WLU – as you are a visitor to WLU, you need to complete paperwork in order to access WLU’s MyLearningSpace (which is equivalent to UW’s LEARN).

Withdrawing from courses that have the notation 'offered at WLU’ requires you to withdraw at UW and at WLU: