Honours Geography and Aviation - Fall 2024 entry and before
Regular Stream Undergraduate Program Sequencing
Year 1
Fall Term (1A)
- AVIA 100: Introduction to Aviation (F)
- GEOG 101: Human Geographies (FW)
- GEOG 181: Designing Effective Maps (FW)
- CS 100: Introduction to Computing Through Applications (FWS)
- ENGL 109: Introduction to Academic Writing (FWS)
Winter Term (1B)
- AVIA 101: Professional Pilot Program Course 1 (WS)
- GEOG 102: Global Environmental Systems: Processes and Change (FW)
- ENVS 178: Environmental Applications of Data Management and Statistics (FW)
- One of:
- GEOG 281: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (FWS)
- GEOG 202: Geography of the Global Economy (WS)
- or elective
Spring Term
- AVIA 102: Professional Pilot Program Course 2 (SF)
Year 2
Fall Term (2A)
- AVIA 203: Professional Pilot Program Course 3 (FW)
- GEOG 271: Earth from Space Using Remote Sensing (F)
- One of:
- GEOG 293: Approaches to Research in Human Geography (F)
- GEOG 294: Approaches to Research in Physical Geography (F)
- One of:
- GEOG 203: Environment and Development in a Global Perspectives (F)
- GEOG 205: Principles of Geomorphology (F)
Winter Term (2B)
- AVIA 204: Professional Pilot Program Course 4 (WS)
- ENVS 278: Applied Statistics for Environmental Research (FW)
- One of:
- GEOG 281: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (FWS)
- or elective
- One of:
- GEOG 202: Geography of the Global Economy (WS)
- GEOG 209: Hydroclimatology (WS)
Spring Term
- AVIA 205: Professional Pilot Program Course 5 (SF)
- 200-level GEOG elective
Year 3
Fall Term (3A)
- AVIA 306: Professional Pilot Program Course 6 (FW)
- AVIA 310: Human Factors in Aviation (F)
- One of:
- GEOG 310: Geodesy and Surveying (F)
- GEOG 387: Spatial Databases (F)
- One of:
- GEOG 371: Advanced Remote Sensing Techniques (FW)
- or elective
Winter Term (3B)
- AVIA 307: Professional Pilot Program Course 7 (WS)
- AVIA 417: Aviation Safety (W)
- GEOG 309: Physical Climatology (W)
- One of:
- GEOG 371: Advanced Remote Sensing Techniques (FW)
- GEOG 381: Advanced Geographic Information System (WS)
Spring Term
- AVIA 408: Professional Pilot Program Course 8 (FWS)
- 300-level GEOG elective
Year 4
Fall Term (4B)
- 0.5 unit 300-level GEOG elective
- 1.0 units of 400-level GEOG electives
- 1.0 units of electives
Winter Term (4B)
- 1.5 units of 400-level GEOG electives
1 GEOG Electives can be taken whenever you choose, assuming you have the appropriate pre-requisites for those courses. The sequencing above is just one of many options. When selecting GEOG electives, consider taking courses that are relevant to one of the Geography and Aviation Specializations.
2 Professional Pilot Program courses do not count towards a full course load for OSAP or other government loan programs.
3 Once you being flight training, it is recommended that you take a reduced course load.
4 If you have questions about your course sequence, or are deferred in your flight training sequence, please contact the Geography and Aviation advisor.
This page contains supplemental information to that found in the Undergraduate Calendar; specifically, the suggested course sequencing for completing your degree in eight academic terms. Deviating from this sequencing is allowed, but students need to recognize that this may extend the number of terms of study. Students who opt to go on exchange, forcing them to deviate from the suggested course sequence, should take this into consideration when choosing to study abroad and discuss any possible ramifications with their academic advisor. The Undergraduate Calendar is the official resource for all degree requirements, including undergraduate regulations. Students must refer to the Undergraduate Calendar to ensure approved degree requirements are being met. If there is a discrepancy between this page and the Undergraduate Calendar, the Undergraduate Calendar being the official source for degree requirements and undergraduate regulations, will take precedence.