Dr Erin Joakim from the Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Waterloo, was recently welcomed to the Coastal Marine Research Centre (CMRC), University College Cork, Ireland. Erin won a prestigious Dobbin Scholarship to look at Building Adaptive Capacity to Coastal Climate Change Hazards using Bottom-Up and Grassroots Approaches: A Comparison of Vancouver, Canada and Cork, Ireland. As such she intends to interview various members of the CMRC Governance group on their experience of national and local efforts to adapt to climate change and contrast these with outcomes from her own research.

From left to right Jeremy Gault (Director CMRC); Dr Euan Thomson, University of Alberta (Dobbin Scholar, APC); Prof John Kelly, Executive Director (Ireland Canada University Foundation); Dr Michael Murphy, President UCC; Dr Erin Joakim, University of Waterloo (Dobbin Scholar, CMRC, UCC) and Prof Douwe van Sinderen, PI (Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre, UCC)
Dobbin Scholarships are awarded by the Ireland Canada University Foundation with the support of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada, and with the support of the Department of Foreign Affairs in the Irish Government. More information about these awards can be found at www.icuf.ie.
Congratulations Erin!