GEM Congratulates Association of Ontario Land Surveyors Educational Foundation Award Winners

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Department of Geography and Environmental Management is very pleased to announce the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors (AOLS) award winners for the 2015-16 academic year.

Paul Donchenko

Paul Donchenko
Paul is a fourth year student in the Faculty of Environment, studying Geomatics and Computer Science. He completed GEOG 310, Geodesy & Surveying with 94% and enjoyed gaining insight into the fundamentals of the procedures and operations that make up the foundation of our infrastructure.  In addition to his studies, Paul enjoys reading, programing and learning how to cook.

In his own words, Paul reflects on receiving the AOLS Educational Foundation Award,

It is a recognition of the effort that I put into my studies and the endeavor of academic success. It will also provide me with a greater financial security when I graduate in the near future. Foremost however, it is an appreciation of the AOLS for the importance of investing in future generations and helping students succeed in their studies so that they can enter the workforce as productive citizens.

In the future, Paul plans to work in the GIS or remote sensing fields, developing technologies that improve the quality of life for people all over the world.

Mark Ong

Mark Ong
Mark is a fourth year Honours Geomatics student in the Faculty of Environment. He completed GEOG 310, Geodesy & Surveying with 90%. Geodesy & Surveying was one course where Mark felt engaged and determined to learn about the different practices used to learn more about the structure and form of the world we live in.

By attending the lectures as well as learning to use various surveying tools, performing mathematical problems to solve surveying questions and participating to multiple labs, Mark feels as though he has a strong foundation to become a land surveyor. Though he sees it as a challenging career it is one he hopes to join upon graduation.

In his own words, Mark describes the value of Geodesy & Survey.

The skill sets that I’ve learned from this course would’ve excelled my performance and knowledge about the activities and projects that were going on during the time of my previous co-op placements. It could’ve initiated me to contribute more as I would’ve known more about surveying techniques used out on the field when measuring and extracting both quantitative and qualitative data on various transportation infrastructures.

Mark was surprised and is honoured to receive the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors Educational Foundation Award and is very appreciative for the financial support.