Several scholars (faculty and graduate student researchers) from the Department of Geography and Environmental Management will be presenting papers, leading sessions or will be members of expert panels at the American Association of Geographers meeting to be held in Boston, MA, from 5-9 April, 2017.
Collin Branton: "Quantifying topographic variation in wetland landscapes”. Session Title: Environmental Change: Vegetation, Wetlands, and Mining.
Daniel Cockayne: "Sharing and neoliberal discourse: The economic function of sharing in the digital on-demand economy”, Session title: Digital \\ Human \\ Labour 3: The Algorithmic Labour of Being.
Daniel Cockayne: Session chair: Author doesn't meet the critics: Gilbert Simondon's On the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects
Daniel Cockayne: Session discussant: Feminist Economic Geography- Encountering the subject II
Anushika De Silva: “The Influence of Landscape Connectivity on the Spread of Zika Virus in Miami-Dade County, Florida”. Session Title: Human Geography poster session I.
Peter Johnson: "Municipal Open Data: A Slow Death?” Session title: The Dark Side of Open Data.
Bronwyn Lazowski: "Assessing the influence of smart grid interventions on residential energy culture” Session title: Energy Cultures, Communities and Consumption: Exploring the social, political and cultural dynamics of energy system change II
Gregory Metcalfe: "An investigation of the relationship between crime and the built and natural environment in the Region of Waterloo, Ontario”. Session title: Crime and Divided Cities in North America.
Andrea Rishworth: “Reproducing Inequalities: Examining the Intersection of Environment and Global Maternal and Child Health”. Session title: Health, Poverty and Place in Ghana II.
Alex Smith: "Effects of spatial and thematic resolution by classification algorithm on land cover and land use classification”. Session title: SAM Student Paper Competition II.
Su-Yin Tan: "Crime victimization and the implications for individual health and wellbeing”. Session title: Geospatial Health Research Symposium: Suicide, illicit drug use & addiction II
Tara Vinodrai: "Meeting its Waterloo? Entrepreneurship, anchor firms and the resilient region”. Session title: Geographies of resilience and entrepreneurial cultures
(with Markus Moos) Tara Vinodrai: "Placing high-rise suburbanism: Does it reduce auto-dependent sprawl?” Session title: Suburban Geographies of Crisis and Change II
Johanna Wandel: "Re-establishment of traditional rainwater harvesting in South India for agricultural and livelihood security under climate change”. Session title: Agriculture under climate change.
Nancy Worth: "GenY at Home: Co-residence as uncomfortable privilege in the neoliberal city", Session title: Neoliberalism, land, and property
Nancy Worth: Session Chair and Organizer Feminist Economic Geography- Encountering the subject I & II
Nancy Worth: Panelist: Relational Precarity, Migration and Global Cities: differentiated inclusion through social, temporal and spatial connections