Congratulations to Sarah Burch for receiving a prestigious SSHRC Partnership Grant entitled "TRANSFORM: Accelerating sustainability entrepreneurship experiments in local spaces,”. Sarah is an Associate professor in GEM and a Canada Research Chair in Sustainability Governance and Innovation. The project will address this challenge by activating a vibrant global network of Hubs of Research and Practice (in 8 countries, including 11 universities and 15 partners) that will build capacity in SMEs to transition to or adopt fundamentally sustainable business models. Hubs will be located at Arizona State University (USA), the Dutch Research Institute for Transitions (the Netherlands), Leuphana University in Lüneburg (Germany), Monash University (Australia) and Lund University (Sweden). In addition, leading scholars outside of these Hubs (University of Graz, Austria; Copenhagen Business School, Denmark; University of Guelph, Canada; University of Toronto, Canada; Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain) will provide crucial input and critique. TRANSFORM will support SMEs as they develop, implement, and evaluate experiments that can shift communities towards fundamentally sustainable development paths.