Graduate education in climate change
Global climate change is a grand challenge for society in the 21st century. The Department of Geography and Environmental Management offers three graduate programs that equip students with the specialized knowledge and skills necessary to assess and manage carbon and climate risk.
Program overview

Master of Climate Change (MCC)
Coursework-based, 1-year master’s for advanced training and expertise in climate change.
Students in the MCC program will:
Achieve systematic understanding of climate change science, policy and management
Interpret and evaluate climate change research and policy
Gain professional skills in research execution, collaborative problem solving, and effective written and oral communication.

Graduate Diploma (GDip) in Climate Risk Management (CRM)
Online, part-time diploma to identify and create strategies to mitigate climate risk.
Professionals in the CRM diploma program will:
Develop competency in climate science, risk, and opportunities
Achieve in-depth knowledge in three of the following:
Accessing and interpreting climate change data
Incorporating climate change into business decisions
Managing climate change risk
Greenhouse gas accounting and management

Graduate Diploma (GDip) in Climate Change
Graduate students from any faculty can gain insights into the complexity of climate change.
Offered in conjunction with any University of Waterloo master's or doctoral program, students will:
Complete graduate level courses related to climate change
Engage in four extra-curricular interdisciplinary climate change events or activities.