Peter Deadman

Associate Professor and Associate Dean, Graduate Studies


Peter’s research interests centre on using advanced geographic information technologies to model land cover changes in response to socio-environmental forces. He has been particularly interested in the use of Agent Based Models (ABMs) to explore environmental change.

Key Areas of Graduate Supervision
Land use change, agent based models, wetland vegetation models, climate change impacts on water resources, enterprise GIS, geodatabase design

Recent Courses Taught
GEOG 165: Computer Cartography: Principles and Design
GEOG 281: Introduction to GIS
GEOG 381: Spatial Analysis with GIS
GEOG 387: Spatial Data and Spatial Databases
GEOG 600: Seminar in Spatial Data Handling
GEOG 607: Applications of GIS

Research Interests
Peter’s research interests centre on using advanced geographic information technologies to understand the important drivers of land use and land cover change. Currently he is exploring the application of agent based models to understand the land use strategies of multi-sited forest farmers in the Amazon estuary. He has also examined the application of spatial models to explore the response of wetland vegetation communities to water level change in Great Lakes coastal wetlands. New research initiatives are focussed on database design, and decision support, for enterprise GIS applications, with a focus on telecom infrastructure management.

Recent Publications

  • Hebb, A. J., L. D. Mortsch, P. J. Deadman, A. R.Cabrera. Modelling wetland vegetation community response to water-level change at Long Point, Ontario. Accepted, Journal of Great Lakes Research.
  • Cabrera A.R., P.J. Deadman, E. Moran, E.S.Brondízio, L.K. Vanwey. 2012. Exploring demographic and lot effects in an ABM/LUCC of agriculture in the Brazilian Amazon. in Agent-Based Models of Geographical Systems, eds: A. Heppenstall, A. Crooks, L. M. See, and M. Batty. Springer, pgs 663-676.
  • Luus, N., D.T. Robinson, P.J. Deadman. 2011. Representing ecological processes in agent-based models of land use and cover change. In press, Journal of Land Use Science.
  • Pinedo-Vazques, M., C. Padoch, R. Sears, E. Brondizio, and P. Deadman. 2010. Urbano e rural: famílias multi-instaladas, mobilidade e manejo dos recursos de várzea na Amazônia. Novos Cadernos NAEA (Nucleo de Altos Estudos da Amazônia) 11 (2): 43-56.
  • Cabrera, A. R., P. J. Deadman, E. S. Brondizio, M. Pinedo-Vasquez. 2010. Exploring the Choice of Decision Making Method in an Agent Based Model of Land Use Change. International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs) 2010 International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software: Modelling for Environment’s Sake. Fifth Biennial Meeting, July 5-8, 2010. Ottawa, Canada
  • Dawn C. Parker, Steven Manson, Marco A. Janssen, Matthew J. Hoffmann and Peter Deadman (2010) Multi-Agent Systems for the Simulation of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change: A review. In “Computational Social Science,” N. Gilbert, ed. Sage Publications (Reprint of a 2003 Annals article)