Erin’s research interests have focused on post-disaster vulnerability reduction and building sustainable and resilient capacities in disaster-affected communities. Much of her research has taken place in Asia, with an emphasis on community-based disaster recovery and reconstruction. Erin’s teaching has focused more broadly on environmental studies, examining the human interactions with the natural world.
Recent Courses Taught
ENVS 195: Introduction to Environmental Studies
Research Interests
My research focuses on disaster risk reduction in both developed and developing country contexts. I am particularly interested in examining post-disaster livelihood recovery and housing reconstruction processes, exploring how recovery programming can reduce vulnerability to future hazards, and increase resilience to face a multitude of stressors. My current research focuses on the ways in which disasters and religion intersect, including an examination of the impact of disasters on an individuals’ faith, their relationship with their community, and their perception of the environment.
Recent Publications
- O’Connell, E.P., Abbott, R.P., & White, R.S. (2017). Religious Struggles after Typhoon Haiyan: A Case Study from Bantayan Island. Disaster Prevention and Management, 26(3), 330-347, DOI: 10.1108/DPM-02-2017-0041.
- Stewart, R.E., Betancourt, D., Davies, J., Harford, D., Klein, Y., Lannigan, R., Mortsch, L., O’Connell, E., Tang, K., & Whitfield, P. (2017). A Multi-Perspective Examination of Heat Waves Affecting Metro Vancouver: Now into the Future. Natural Hazards, DOI:10.1007/s11069-017-2793-7.
- O’Connell, E.P., Abbott, R.P., & White, R.S. (2017). Emotions and Beliefs after Disaster: A Comparative Analysis in Haiti and Indonesia. Disasters. DOI: 10.1111/disa.12227
- Joakim, E.P., Mortsch, L., Oulahen, G., Harford, D., Klein, Y., Damude, K., & Tang, K. (2016). Using System Dynamics to Model Social Vulnerability and Resilience to Coastal Hazards. International Journal of Emergency Management, 12(4), 366-391.
- Joakim, E.P. & White, R.S. (2015). Exploring the Impact of Religious Beliefs, Leadership and Networks on Response and Recovery of Disaster-Affected Populations: A Case Study from Indonesia. Journal of Contemporary Religion, 30(2), 193-212.
- Joakim, E.P. & Wismer, S. (2015). Livelihood Recovery after Disaster. Development in Practice, 25(3), 401-418.
- Joakim, E.P., Mortsch, L. & Oulahen, G. (2015). Using Vulnerability and Resilience Concepts to Advance Climate Change Adaptation. Environmental Hazards, DOI: 10.1080/17477891.2014.1003777.
- Joakim, E.P. & Doberstein, B. (2015). Planning for Long-Term Housing Reconstruction Following a Major Disaster: A Case Study of the 2006 Yogyakarta, Indonesia Earthquake. Journal of the American Planning Association, 80(4), 352-353.
- Joakim, E.P. & Doberstein, B. (2014). Policy Recommendations for Reducing Vulnerability and Increasing Resiliency to Disaster Events in Canada: Perspectives from Practitioners in Waterloo Region, Ontario. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy. 4(4), 274-291.
- Andrey, J., Joakim, E.P., Schoner, V., Jayasundera, R., Hambly, D., Silver, A. & Nelson, A. (2012). Academic Entitlement in the Context of Learning Styles. Canadian Journal of Education, 35(4), 3-30.